Ni'ata & Leir
Darkling Dawn
Name: Ni'ata
Race: Lirianz
Gender: Female
Abilities: Telepathy, Teleporation, Cold Breath Weapon, Heightened Sense of Taste, Bend Light, Magnetism
Personality: Single-minded and determined, Ni'ata doesn't let anything get in her way once she makes up her mind to do something. It can be next-to-impossible to change her mind, and she is quite opinionated and set in her ways. She is quite clever as well, and will readily resort to tricks or manipulation to get her way.
Bond: Leir
From: DNS's Lirianz Giveaway
Name: Leir
Race: Orianz
Gender: Male
Abilities: Telepathy, Teleportation, Chlorine Gas Breath Weapon, Immortality, Heightened Sense of Hearing
Personality: Nervous and rather easily scared, Leir also tends to be rather gullible. He is extremely superstitious, refusing to do anything he's heard is bad luck, which is...quite a few things, actually. Other than that, he's fairly likeable, if a bit shy, and unusually fond of cute things.
Bond: Ni'ata
From: DNS's Orianz Giveaway