Darkling Dawn
Name: Nimblefoot
Race: Goblin
Gender: Male
Age: 15 (10 at Bonding)

Build: Very skinny
Skin: Heavily freckled
Hair: White, wavy, to ears
Eyes: Green-gold

Appearance: Very skinny and small, he often looks even smaller because of how he always crouches or hunches down. His tri-colored tan, brown and green skin is covered with unusally-prevalent freckles that give it a mottled appearance. It's rather difficult to tell which is his natural body color and which is the product of mud or dirt or grime. He also has short, tangled white hair and bright green-gold eyes.
Personality: Nimblefoot is sharp and clever. Nimblefoot is also solitary and keeps to himself, a loner who doesn't like to talk to others if he can help it. Nimblefoot is short-tempered and irate, he doesn't like big people and mistrusts anything larger than himself (Which is practically everything). Nimblefoot is also repetitive and likes to talk to himself in third person.
Past: Nimblefoot was living happily with his large and successful clan, until a couple of strange humans came encroaching on their territory. The well-meaning men tried to take Nimblefoot away with them, intending him to bond a dragon, but he put up quite a fight before they managed to subdue him, eventually knocking the goblin unconcious. Deciding to sort it out later, they took him to Danach, just in time to bond Sacheeath by accident.

Bond: Copper Sacheeath
Name: Sacheeath
Race: Danachian Dragon
Gender: Male
Colour: Copper
Height: 19'
Length: 57'
Dam: Lavender Varifranth
Sire: Silver Tuveth
Personality: A happy-go-lucky and affectionate dragon, Sacheeath doesn't understand much about the world, possibly because of seeing it through his bond's extremely distorted eyes, but he loves to be petted and talked to and played with. He is very friendly and outgoing, with none of Nimblefoot's xenophobic suspicion of anything that isn't a goblin (or his bond).
Mirus (Danachian Giveaway)