Abstract Destiny Darkling Dawn
Name: Sephael
Gender: Male
Color: Red-Gold
Abilities: Verbal Speech, Heat Breath Weapon, Supervision: Advanced Sight, Alter Physical Structure: Crystal
Personality: Sephael is by far the calmest of the three. He is low-key and sensible, but also serious and doesn't have much of a sense of humor. He has a naturally caring and protective personality, and he is quite fond of children.
Bond: White-yellow Dirego Filideterra-Reilucesco
Pets: Male Sunset Flitter Keald
Unyko's Random Draw
Name: Dirego Filideterra-Reilucesco
Name Meaning: "To guide."
Bonded to: Sephael
Gender: Male
Species: Askan / Niteshan Asandus
Hatchling Height: 2'7" at shoulder
Adult Height: 16'8" at shoulder
Color: White-Yellow
Personality: If ever you find yourself in need of aid or assistance, whatever you do, don't go to Dirego! He's one of those sorts who always thinks he knows best, and that anyone who doesn't listen to him is an utter fool. He definitely has an Askan's arrogance but he does mean well--whatever his opinion is, he honestly believes it's correct and will best assist whoever he's giving the advice to.
Abilities: Functional Magic. Psionics (Telepathy). Seedling Reproduction. Shapeshifting (Asandus-Human Spectrum). Verbal Speech.
Cyborware: Dirego has been given a Minor token.
Pets: Female Pink-marked Orange Yvero
Sephael's Sunset Keald & Dirego's Pink-marked Orange Yvero