Uiseleu Promontores
Darkling Dawn
Name: Uiseleu Promontores
Gender: Male
Breed: Askan/Hathian/Piralan/Gryvern/Lesser Kynnese/Schatternaki/Geperna/Whorling/Featherdragon/Old World/Danachian/SCD/Iullerbrillan Mutt
Colour: Green-Pigmented Opal
Size: Medium (15' tall, 35' long)
Abilities: Full Shifting (Human), Verbal Speech, Functional Magic
Personality: Very sensitive towards others, Uiseleu has a very caring and gentle personality. He is supportive and bolsters others when they are down in the dumps, and fortunately, given his upbeat and optomistic personality, he rarely needs similiar attention himself.
Pets: Male Thunderbird Rukel, Queztis
Queztis is an unusually calm and down-to-earth rukel. He is very intelligent and clever, and he also loves helping others, often giving sage advice to those who ask for it. He has a regal and dignified air, but he's not averse to the occasional-careful, given his wings-cuddle.
Bond: Quralt
Black, White, and Red Giveaway
Name: Quralt
Gender: Female
Parents: Black-Blue-Silver Merket
Size: Large
Colour: Black-Blue-Silver
Abilities: Fire Magic, Illusion Magic, Sensitivity to Location and Direction
Personality: Quralt is very artistic and fond of painting, sculpture, and any other form of fine arts, that she can reasonably wrap her claws around, at least. She is very passionate about her work as well, and it is always the first topic on her mind. On other subjects, she is somewhat less enthused, but no less intense or hard-working.
Bond: Uiseleu Promontores
Credits: Image drawn by Unyko
Kalyturn's Hybridization Center