Xara Banh
Darkling Dawn
Name: Xara Banh
Race: Anthropomorphic Lion
Rank: Archaeologist/Historian
Gender: Female
Age: 30 (25 at Bonding)

Build: Muscular
Skin: Light brown
Hair: Brown, messy, to mid-back
Eyes: Blue-grey
Fur: Tawny

Appearance: Muscular and largely built, Xara has a striking appearance, though not a conventional beauty. She has light brown, tanned skin and messy, frizzy hair that is a dark brown. It reaches to the middle of her back when left loose, but she usually ties it up in a tight bun. She has slanted blue-grey eyes and the tawny-furred tail and ears of an African lion.
Personality: Calm and mild-mannered, Xara has a good temper and doesn't get upset easily. She is very stern and serious, however, and is a bit of a perfectionist as well. She is hardworking, though, and loves her job. Not surprisingly, she is quite intelligent and loves to read, and she has a good memory for what she reads as well.
Past: Born on the magical planet Athanasia, to a lion halfling father and a human mother, Xara's family has grown up amidst scorn and ridicule from their 'normal' neighbors. Having avoided other children most of her life, Xara turned indoors to find her entertainment, and fell in love with books, especially history. As she grew older, she began to sort out records of past history and then sought out ruins and lost technology from Athanasia's mysterious previous civilization.

Bond: Purple Rutaserakyth
Name: Rutaserakyth
Race: Danachian Dragon
Gender: Female
Colour: Purple
Height: 16'
Length: 48'
Dam: Lavender Varifranth
Sire: Silver Tuveth
Personality: Ruta' is a lazy dragon who, unlike her rider, doesn't like reading or working. She gets bored easily and likes having conversations with others, so she will often wander off to find others to talk to when her rider is working.
Mirus (Danachian Giveaway)