Darkling Dawn
Name: Aleshwayeth
Race: Danachian/mutt
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Color: Bronze-Pointed Starry
Parents: Grey-pointed Black Affielth x Black Koteneth
Abilities: Telepathy, Teleportation, Firebreath, Vocal Speech, Light Breath
Personality: Intelligent and bookish, Aleshwayeth learns everything she can and uses it to command and direct others. A natural leader, she is dominant and commanding, but admirable and outgoing as well. She has a particular fondness for magic and employs a number of magic users to help her in whatever she wants to do, in addition to her own powers, both inherited and learned, and she is always looking for new ways to add to her magic pool.
Pets: Male rukel, Sanet
Sanet is dark and depressive, dare I say it, angsty. He constantly puts himself down and nothing he does is ever good enough for him. Aleshwayeth's support comes in the shape of 'tough-love', constantly pushing at him and forcing him to change, but that sort of help just doesn't work for him.
Bond: None yet