Darkling Dawn
Name: Oake
Race: Rukel
Gender: Female
Parents: Idelmi x Ches
Age: 3
Color: Brown
Personality: Secretive and quiet, she likes to be alone and seems rather shy. To those few who she does deem friends, she is very steadfast and loyal. However, she can also be very determined and stubborn, as well as obsessively hard-working.
Past: Since her mother lives quite a distance from any other people, she grew up mostly alone. Once she was old enough, however, she finally went out exploring on her own. She gets nervous around new places, though, so it's not particularly common, and she still spends most of her time in her mother's forest.
Bond: Green w/ Brown Callieth
Name: Callieth
Bonded: Oake
Gender: Female
Species: Old World
Colour: Green-Brown
Size: Small
Clutch: 01
Personality: Lively and outgoing, Callieth needs to be around other people and dragons, and she can't stand being on her own for very long. She will likely drag Oake into the fold with her, though she will sometimes leave the more reclusive rukel behind in the forest where she is more comfortable. She never stays away too long, though, and always comes back to the forest.