Darkling Dawn
Name: Coniceth
Gender: Male
Age: Adult
Dam: Blue-Starry Fabricantepazth
Sire: Black Eirfolkth
Breed: Mutt (Danachian-Alskyrian)
Color: Red
Size: Large (19')
From: Star City Dragonry
Personality: A proud dragon, Coniceth just can't be bothered with bonding, or with putting up with 'stupid' people. He's got an ego, that's for certain. He may need to lesson or three in the art of humbleness, or else there'll be no turning back for him.
His first thought as he climbed out of his shell was food. Normally, a newly hatched dragon's mind would be on finding their bondmate before anything else, but this red dragon was hardly normal. He was better than normal, he was Coniceth! And as such, no mere human-or otherwise-was worthy to share his mind with.
He climbed to his hind feet, his forefeet were really a bit too small for walking on all fours comfortably, and looked around. He ignored the candidates gathering towards him hopefully, and instead, his eyes lit upon the tables covered with bowls of food behind them.
He stepped toward it, but the candidates were in his way, still hoping he'd want to bond. With an angry squawk, he snapped at the closest of the candidates, and they backed away, seeming to realize at last that he didn't want to bond. Smugly, the bipedal red strode to the food and began eating his fill.
Once he'd finished, the archivist's bond dragon inquired as to his name.
Why should I have to sully my mind by sharing it with someone else, huh? He said scornfully when asked whether or not he planned to bond. No one's good enough to bond to me! My name's Coniceth, if that's what you want to know.
Once the hatching was over, Coniceth discovered he'd been assigned a caretaker, a dragon from a place called Darkling Dawn. He snorted in protest.
What if I don't want a caretaker, huh? What if I like being on my own? I don't need help from anyone.
A low rumbling growl warned the red hatchling that something was behind him, and he turned to  see a bright red-scaled dragon with yellow-gold fur on his head, muzzle, and tail. The fire dragon eyed him speculatively with bright green eyes, looking over the much smaller dragon with a warning look. "You were saying?" He said out loud.
Coniceth gulped.
Umm, alright. I don't need anyone, but I guess I can go with you anyway.
The dragon smiled, showing sharp, ivory teeth which made him look more foreboding than he actually meant to. "Good then, we may just get along after all. I'm Aciron, and we're going to Darkling Dawn."
Coniceth nodded his head, still looking at the fire dragon warily.
All right.
Search story starts here.
Coniceth was in a foul mood when he and Aciron arrived at Nidus Ryslen. Aciron glanced at his charge irately. "Are you coming?"
Coniceth grunted noncomittedly, but he did trail after his former caretaker to the hatching sands. Inside, they found four dragonesses on the sands, a night green, a duowinged white, purple, and black, and two other dragons, who looked to be a violet and a brass-colored dragoness.
Coniceth didn't seem particularly taken with any of the clutches, but that was alright with Aciron. As long as he bonded, hopefully to someone who could keep him out of trouble and/or deflate his head. Heck, even if he ended up not bonding, at least the red would be out of
his hair for a while.
Coniceth, on the other hand, was sorely tempted to up and leave, rather than end up bonding a sniveling little hatchling who was bound to be like an annoying kid brother. Then again, that would mean that he couldn't go home, and he didn't have anywhere else to go. Coniceth was also notoriously lazy, and couldn't imagine having to actually fend for himself.
So he stayed, reluctantly. Whether this was a fortunate, or unfortunate, event was yet to be seen...
Coniceth is Standing at: Nidus Ryslen
Story coming soon...
Coniceth's Female Furred Duowinged dragon(not a drak!), Ice Blue Blue-Silver Coyditayt
I think I'm going to go to Drockh-Tallahn Castle to mate. Coyditayt said suddenly, out of the blue one day.
Great. We can go there right away and dazzle them all with my-our magnificent presence. Coniceth agreed demurely.
Coyditayt stared at her bond, a slight smile on her muzzle.
Oh, no need to trouble yourself. You won't have to come. Anyway, they only allow native draks or duo-winged dragons to mate there, so you won't have much to do.
What!? But I thought-
You thought what? Coyditayt asked grinningly, pleased that she'd managed to catch up her self-absorbed bond.
I-nothing. I thought nothing. It was probably a good thing Coniceth was already red...
Obviously... The icy dragoness said teasingly, causing Coniceth to huff off, irritated.
Fine then, go do what you want. Won't bother me in the least. His comments only made Coyditayt laugh all the more.
Coyditayt is Flying at: Drockh-Tallahn Castle