Tazuth & Nusimeth
Darkling Dawn
Name: Tazuth
Gender: Male
Court and Color: Dark Court Bronze
Size: Bronze sized.

Personality: He's not aggressive, really. One of those creatures who somehow seems to know whether or not they'll win or lose in a fight, they'll leave the people they'd lose against alone and... well, doesn't think twice about baiting the other group. He's not really mean, it's just that he thinks he's being really, really funny. So what if people don't think he is, and if most of them get insulted? As long as he gets a good laugh, that's all that matters.
Name: Nusimeth
Gender: Female
Court and Color: Dark Court Green
Size: Large, bronze sized

Personality: Huge for a queen and with an attitude to match, she's fully aware of those talks that a green is too small for anything and that they amount to blondes-- because ever since birth she's been out for a fight and wants to prove to all the worlds that green dragons are no ones meat. People either respect her, and think she's being a little bit foolish. Who cares what other people think? Aren't we allowed to have different opinions? Well, apparantly not.
Pets: Male Rukel, Savage
Name: Savage
Race: Rukel
Gender: Male
Personality: Savage is certainly what his name implies; a savage little lacky to Nusimeth. He is small, but supremely irritating to others, and he obeys Nusimeth thoughtlessly. He thinks little of other people, even other rukels, and the only other creature he tolerates is, of course, Tazuth.
Darkling Dawn