Ryslen Darkling Dawn
*Note: 'Rieth's story is going to be rewritten soon!
If you want to know where I was hatched, don't bother. It doesn't matter, I don't live there anymore. I don't live anywhere, really. I just sort of wander from weyr, to caer, to wherever else on whatever world I happen to be on at the time.
I don't mind, it's kinda fun.
My name is Kshatarieth. Bit hard for your human tongue? Call me Rieth. I am a dragon.
A green, to be precise. The lowest, no matter what world you're on. Nobody cares about a lonely little green dragon with no bond. I never Impressed, none of the candidates at my hatching were right. They didn't want a green. Sure, they were happy with their dragons, but what about when the thrill ran out? When they realized they'd be stuck with a blue or green for the rest of their lives? How many abandon their dragons? How many run away? I don't want somebody to run away from me!
I've been to a few other weyrs, and even to other worlds, thinking I might find my bond, my lifemate.
I never found a rider. I'm beginning to think I never will. I decided to give up on humans. Never liked them anyway. Much better to Impress another dragon, I think.
Sure, I've even stood in the stands at some weyrs, hoping that maybe, just maybe, a hatchling would want me. Me, Rieth, over everyone else! Wouldn't that be great? Am I just fooling myself, hoping for something that could never happen?
It must be nice. To be loved, I mean. I never was, I was just a green. There was never anything special about me. Not even a particularly dark hide. Not like the blacks, and whites, and two-tones, and I can't even think of all the rare colors now. Funny, isn't it, that there are so many different colors, all known as rare. They're not really even that rare now.
Not that I hate rares, or golds. Rather, it seems like they all hate me. Why? All I ever wanted was a bond, a friend. Is that so much to ask?
I don't need a rare to make me happy. Color doesn't matter, they couldn't be any worse than I am, after all. I don't care, I just want to Impress, to bond, to imprint, or whatever it's called on this world. I just want a friend.
Maybe it's useless, maybe I'm just not supposed to have a bond. Am I just running away?
Can I run away? Maybe I should just go ahead and go between, and get it over with. I can't take much more of this. Seeing the humans, and sometimes even other dragons, Impressing, and me being left behind. Alone.
But I won't give up hope yet. I can't, because if I do, then I'm just a normal green after all. I'll never be anything other then the little green without a rider. The one who ran away.
I'm not! I'm not useless, or weak, or stupid. I may not be a gold, or a rare, but I'm me! I'm Kshatarieth, little Rieth, the green. Maybe I
could Impress.
But I won't get my hopes up, not yet. I don't want to be hurt. I've been hurt so many times already...
I'll go. I'll go to a weyr, and I won't run away.
I'll Impress, or I'll die.