Shanrar's Hammer:
Return to The Fountain of Knowledge

Telekinesis & Levitation

A theory by
Mark D. Holt, 2001

What is telekinesis?
My dictionary defines telekinesis as the movement of objects by scientifically unknown methods, such as mystical powers.

What is levitation?
Again, my dictionary describes levitation as to rise (or cause to rise) into the air and float, in apparent defiance of gravity.

My beliefs.
I have always believed in psychic powers, even though I have never seen any hard evidence of such things, I still believe (that's faith for you).  I believe that we all have the ability to communicate with our minds, to make objects float through the air, to see into the future, and so on.  But I also believe that these powers lie dormant in the vast majority of us.

My theory.
Telekinesis and levitation though, I could explain by having the ability to control and manipulate gravity.  Imagine if you can, that everybody has their own personal gravitational field, much like the Earth's but on a smaller scale.  This gravitational field would allow your body to work in a similar way to a magnet, pushing and pulling objects.  Our brains, which scientists keep telling us is mostly unused, would allow us to regulate or control this ability in the same way that it regulates your other body functions.

So there you have it!  Just a short theory this time, but one which I hope will give you an idea of what we could do if we could just kick-start those dormant areas of our brains.