Who Is Dart Girl?
Vital statistics
Height  4 feet 11 inches tall
Month of birth  Born in the month of March
Weight  85 pounds
Favorite types of music  Gothic, Industrial, Punk
State of residence  Indianapolis, Indiana
Occupation  Model and Parts Monkey
Hobbies  Music, Art, picking fights
Favorite food  Hearts of palm
Favorite bands  The Misfits (with Glenn Danzig of course) and Danzig
Likes  People with an open mind and the instinct to go straight for the jugular. I like people that can laugh at themselves as well as others. Don't take life so seriously, it's over so quickly.
Dislikes  Idiots, dogma, thieves
Favorite quote  Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.
Favorite place to visit  The portals of my mind
Favorite comic  Cry For Dawn
Dream car  Black 71GTX440
Favorite color  Black
Place I most want to visit before you die Europe
What do you want on your tombstone? Here lies Beevis, he never scored.
Biggest male influence  My Father
Biggest female influence  Rose McGowen
Favorite Actor  Christopher Walken
Favorite Author Stephen King
Favorite Show  Beevis and Butthead
Favorite Movie  Fight Club
Favorite Perfume  Angel