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Emerging in the early 70's, (his "AUM" recording is
from 1972,) Deuter has released beautiful, 
highly spiritual music. Deuter is the prototypical
new age artist and apparently is the first to
include natural environmental sounds in music.
Deuter has several styles: sweet & sappy, Vedic
("Hindu") musics with dulcimer and the like, and
dense synthesis with flute. I prefer the synthesis.
His "Wind & Mountain" is an album I never get tired of. 
It feels great! He also has a disc of digitally
recorded Tibetan bowls which should be in the
collection of anybody who enjoys bowl music.
Recently, Deuter has returned to the style of
"Wind and Mountain" with "Sea and Silence" and
"Earth Blue." Both of these are good Deuter
albums featuring extensive use of flute.

info on Deuter

In 1975 Iasos and Steven Halpern each released their 
first album, and these 2 albums began the genre now 
known as "New Age" music. Their music was to be the 
defining bedrock of what 
would later be considered the overall sound and tone
of "New Age" music. Both of these artists continue to
produce high quality new age music with regularity.

Halpern's "In The Key of Healing" utilizes brainwave pulse
rates associated with states of contentment. His classic
"Spectrum Suite," was an initial defining recording
for new age music.

go to Steven Halpern's website

Iasos is the preeminent composer of angelic music.
His recordings convey the magnificence and expansiveness
of the Divine. His music might be called "sculpted
sound." The cd, "Angelic Music," is the ultimate
classic of the genre! Although all of his recordings
are breathtaking, you might start with "Sacred Sonic
Tools," "Timeless Sound" or "Elixir." Iasos has
recently offered recordings previously available
on cassette on made-to-order cds.

go to Iasos' website

Soon after this, the Japanese artists Tomita and Vangelis
became known in the west for their use of synthesis
to interpret classical Japanese musical motifs. Their
work set the stage for the appearance of Kitaro in 
the Eighties.

Tomita was a hybrid of experimental and classical. I find
much of his stuff rather odd and offbeat. His "Holst, The 
Planets" is probably his most accessible.

info on Tomita

I can recommend Vangelis' recording, "China" with

info on Vangelis

Kitaro had a lot of success with the release, "Silk Road."
I always found him to be a bit on the sonic velveeta side,
but he has a large worldwide audience that digs him.

info on Kitaro

Towards the end of the Seventies, the sound of the new
age was becoming further explored by artists such as
Steve Hillage in the amazing "Rainbow Dome Music."
Jon Anderson, of the rock band, "Yes," and Vangelis
began some initial collaborating in what would
become a fruitful relationship. Anderson's first solo
album, "Olias of Sunhillow," is also amazing.

info on Steve Hillage

info on Jon Anderson

Constance Demby has made some wonderful orchestral works
of space music. "Novus Magnificat," "Set Free" and
"Aeterna" are all very spiritual and new age classical.
I have always related to her as "ascension music,"
clearly rooted in Western classical. Her new, "Faces
of the Christ" and "Attainment" continue her work

info on Constance Demby

David and Steve Gordon of Sequoia Records have produced
gorgeous ambient albums which seem to fill the room with
a garden paradise. "Garden of Serenity" and "Sanctuary" 
are both beautiful. "Oneness" is a great meditative album.
The vibe is new age, but very natural and refreshing.

 the Gordon Bros. website

Don Slepian has a career spanning decades which includes
some extremely beautiful and highly creative music that
has strong Aquarian energies comparable to Steve Hillage's
Rainbow Dome Music. His "Sea of Bliss" cd is a must have
for anyone who enjoys continuums of sheer beauty. His
"Rainbow Isle" disc has lots of standout by-hand
performances on synth, piano & guitar. The pieces
are of shorter duration and playful.

Go to Don Slepian's Website

Anugama began producing solid "new age" releases in
the mid-80s. of his early releases, i particularly
enjoy, "Healing." He seems to have had a group of
releases in 1991, which was when i first became
familiar with his work because we were airing
his disc, Shamanic Dream, particularly the Chakra
Journey piece, on my radio station. i recently
picked up "Tantra," which i thought was a worthy
addition (being primarily meditative synthdrone
environment with natural sounds and a santur.)
I was surprised that it came out in late 80s!
His "Shamanic Dream 2" was voted best meditation-
healing album of 2000 by new age voice magazine,
which is a pretty impressive feat in the trade
of "new age" music itself.
Anugama has a number of releases that i only
just became aware of. I am familiar enough with
his work to say that he has a playful side not
unlike Deuter which may not be everyone's cup
of tea.

Go To Anugama website

Llewellyn is another new age artist who has been
quite prolific in the last ten years but i've
only heard a few. I very much enjoyed his "Crystals"
cd and played it a lot my final years at my last
radio station. I recently acquired "Tantric 
Sexuality" and that's a keeper for the Tantra section
of my collection indeed! while i haven't heard them,
"Ghosts," "Shiatsu" and "Aromatherapy" all seem to
have high positive response from other reviewers
and the industry itself.

Go To Llewellyn Website

There are two interesting cds by the Shargung-La monks
rubbing quartz crystal gongs. I have always had an
ear to discovering music made with crystals. Steve
Halpern did some good work, but never focused an
entire album on it. Shad Diamond uses crystalline
recordings but is so active as to not be meditative.
These are meditation devices, using rubbed quartz
to as interesting an effect as the work with metal
bowls by Deuter, Karma Moffet and One Hand Clapping.
The two cds are "Crystal Gong Meditation" and 
"Crystal Gong Chakra Meditation." You have to scroll
down several pages on the site the link takes you
to in order to see the "Meditation Albums" section.

See info on Crystal Gong music.

Astarius is a Reiki Master who records the most
effective Reiki music i have ever heard. He chants
the names of the Reiki powers as mantras. I highly
recommend his recent, "Reiki Temple Chants," to
anyone working with Reiki. "Spirit Rap" is a great
ascension cd. "Vibrational Healing Ascension
Current" has the kind of title i need in my
collection, plus innovative didgeridoo work and
fine mantric work. If i sound enthusiastic about
the work of Astarius, it is because i am! He has
a number of older didgeridoo albums worth checking
out also. Of his older discs, i recommend "Echoes
of Eternity" in particular.

Check out Astarius Reiki-Om!

Amoraea Dreemseed is a fantastic sound healer-artist
that i've known about for some time due to an earlier
release, with River Freedom, "Didgeridoo Dreamtime,"
which is probably my FAVORITE didge disc of all time.
The 2004 disc, "Future Memories," is a growth of the
previous work, very mature and probably the first
unqualified success of a didgeridoo album to also
be an angelic album. In fact, i just may make an
entry in the angelic column for Dreamseed! Both discs
strongly recommended for anyone who digs didge!

Go To Dreamseed's Website!

Nicole Lavoie has produced very healing sounds in
her recordings. I have recently received the
"Life Essence" series. It is several dozen "hums"
which have an incredibly delicious low-end that
only a subwoofer can do justice to. These hums
are healing frequencies which Lavoie says are
related to the vibratory spectra of various herbs,
nutrients, amino acids and benefical molecules.
They are similar to the NASA/Voyager space recordings
and Bob Dratch's "Critter Cleaners." At the very
least, these recordings induce healing trance states.
Lavoie says that they actually are nutritious. I say
they just plain feel incredibly marvelous!

Click here to see Nicole Lavoie's offerings

Crystal Voices is a joint project by Deborah
Van Dyke and Valerie Farnsworth. I collect
music produced by crystal bowls and have found
their releases to be of a superior quality.
These recordings are meditative devices and
are more about how they feel than how
intellectually interesting they are. I value
"Sounds Of Light" as a very inspirational

Crystal Vibrations Music Ensemble is lead
by Elivia Melodey and is also high-quality
crystal bowl music which features additional
instrumentation like chimes, flute, and various
percussion. I'll be able to tell you more after
i listen to the copy i have coming.

Crystal Vibrations Music Ensemble

It has taken me a while to get Tom Kenyon onto
the website because the availability of his
works has been spotty and there were no good
links on the internet. Well, this has changed!
Not only does Tom have his own website now, but
you can obtain most of his work there! I only
have two of his works: The Gandharva Experience,
a very interesting recording of vocal toning
(if somewhat low recording values) and Soma,
his release on the Relaxation Company's label.
Soma is a great recording of brainwave music
in league with expert harmonic voice

Tom Kenyon's website

Weave has been around for some time and
continues to work with Jonathan Goldman on
various projects. His full professional name
being Akshara Weave, he specializes in
exquisite Reiki music recordings which are
hour-long continuum pieces using the
Cycle of Fifths and harmonic intervals 
based on the geometric intervals of
the Reiki symbols. I can strongly
recommend all of his musical offerings
and, in particular, the recent, "Hon Sha
Ze Sho Nen," as great vibrational supports
for massage, healing work, shamanic
journeying or yoga.

Go To Weave's Website

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