Hgeocities.com/darxekergab/MatrixReloaded.htmlgeocities.com/darxekergab/MatrixReloaded.htmldelayedxkJ్(OKtext/htmlpK(b.HTue, 30 Dec 2003 03:29:31 GMT,Mozilla/4.5 (compatible; HTTrack 3.0x; Windows 98)en, *kJ( MatrixReloaded
Matrix Reloaded
Dir. Andy and Larry Wachowski
What we have here is a sequel.  Im sorry ladies and gentlemen, its not as good as the first one.  Still, its one of the best movies Ive ever seen.  The trouble with being a sequel to a ground-breaking movie is that the second movie can be amazing (which this one is) and all people are going to say is Not as good as the first.  If this was the only Matrix movie you were to see you would think its fantastic. (Actually, youd be horribly confused, but you get my point, right?)  Its a great movie, you should see it.  Nothing is ever going to be as original as the original, so just bear that in mind, and youll love it.  Plus, there is a lot more humor in Reloaded and more humanity.  You can see things like love (and sex) and humor (and sex) and dancing (which turns out to be a lot like sex.)  Whats not to love?

In Matrix Reloaded we see what life is like now that Neo has been found.  Hes still the messiah, and is treated as such by many followers.  Morpheus is still his biggest fan.  While Morpheus is trying to get people to believe that Neo is the only hope of the future, the machines have found where the city Zion is, and are on the way.  Neo has started have prophetic dreams, which scare the bejeezus out of him.  All looks bleak and hopeless.  Morpheus figures this is the time when messiahs are really necessary, and takes the Nebuchadrezzar crew and goes into the Matrix, closely followed by two other captains sent from Zion to help them.  The crew goes on a treasure hunt, started by the Oracle.  They follow various clues from there, many of which lead to fight scenes that should wow the most jaded action fan.  Plus, there is a scene with a French couple that alone is worth the price of admission.  Its official; nobody likes the French. 

This is a wonderful movie.  Its got mystery, and a higher purpose, and love, and **WARNING** a hell of a cliffhanger ending.  Go see it, go now.

I rate it: Full Price

Keanu Reeves as Neo
Laurence Fishbourne as Morpheus
Carrie-Anne Moss as Trinity
Harry J. Lennix as Link
Jada Pickett-Smith as Niobe
Hugo Weaving as Smith

There is a major easter-egg.
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