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The team was established in August 2002 so Saitama could send not only the already well established men's team, but also a female team to the Nagano AET Japan Football Taikai.
Julie Nunn, the prefectural advisor (PA) and CIR posted out the email requesting interested girls to put their names in.
A number of girls were interested in having a kick around, with a variety of talent between them. Susan Budiman was made chief organiser/captain while Julie holidayed back in Australia and the team was born.
After an initial struggle of getting members along to practices (the first one only Susan, Emma and Amanda turned up to practice with the Higashi Matsuyama Girls' team), another being called off because of rain (the girls had lunch together instead and met what was to become their team in a weeks time) then the team finally had their first and final practice together as a team only 2 days before their first ever tournament!

Susan had organised cool team t-shirts to be made, which titled us: Dasaijo (or dowdy women), which we wore proudly at Nagano, and will continue to wear proudly forever!

The team travelled with the
Saitama Jets FC team to Nagano, and many new friendships were formed.
The team has been practising weekly with our adopted coach, Dave Long, who has given us inspiration and motivation to not only develop better ball skills, but to have fun.

The Saitama Ladies will be playing their first game in Decemeber and will hopefully join a league to play in early in 2003.

Watch out, and remember us! One day you may see us playing at the Saitama Stadium 2002!!!

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our first game and practice as a team, vs Higashi Matsuyama Girls' High School