July 22,2005



How would you feel if someone gave you a handful of pennies and said, “ If you toss them up out in front of you, they will fall in the form of a smiley face”?

Now how would you feel if, as you tossed the coins randomly out in front of you , they did form a shape of a smiley face?

Would you stop tossing the coins?

What if you don’t like smiley faces?

What if... instead of someone telling you about the pennies, you were the one that figured out about the pennies landing in the shape of a smiley face ?
There is no way randomly tossed pennies can form the shape of a smiley face but yet, there it is right in front of you, just as you figured.

It’s a strange world that we live in. Things occur for unexplained reasons... yet there has to be a reason. I think there must still be a reason. My question is ‘ How would you feel, if you figured out the answer to an impossible question? .., an unbelievable question?.. one that would take a fantastic series of events to occur in such a precise order .. out of a vast array of random chaos, that there would be no way .. well almost no way, that it could occur ?… and then ... the answer comes to light .. exactly as you perceived the answer ?

Today how I feel was stated sometime ago. I will change the world we all live in. Are you afraid ? … bored ?

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Copyright © 2005 William Daughl
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