Elohim, gods & goddesses, Equality, and Creation

In the original Hebrew, many of the NAMES of the Lord, were translated simply to God. This over-simplification has caused confusion in many cases but the translators tried to safeguard the HOL Y NAMES from the unworthy which by scripture was only intended for the High Priest and others close to His truth and His love. Any vile, vain, or loose lipped heathen who tried to use these names for their own purposes or unworthily were cursed for their improper usage. Consequently in Genesis, the very first chapter verse 26, when it says; II And GOD said' Let US make man in our image, and let them have, dominion over the Earth ". The word God replaced the Hebrew word ELOHIM, which means Gods and Goddesses. For as we should know by now, scripturally almost every ancient manuscript has the Holy Spirit as Feminine, and even the first He or letter H, in the sacred Tetragrammaton, Name of the Almighty, (YHWH) is feminine. Similarly, the Lord of Lords and King of Kings created angels, male and female before He created us, physical mortal males and then females.

   This is why it distinctly says, Let US, meaning the male and female creations and entity called God, make mankind not just a patriarchal male deity. For again, the Lord is called the Father of Spirits, All Spirits, male or female. and again in verse 27 it obviously is referring to mankind meaning male and female when it says "SO God (Elohim) created man in his own image in the image of God. ( God gave us his image, our human bodies and looks are a reflection of his holy BODY So how in earth or in heaven can our bodies be evil when they are made in the very
Image of God. ) It goes on saying "Male and Female created He them"

   This could definitely go against your religion or church views or family views, but believe it or not God is complete, He is adrongenous, composing male and female and being greater than both. He is the
Creator of all things and is in need of nothing. He is not an incomplete needy whimpy male, but Jesus and God who are one, because He and the Father are One and the Holy Spirit are One, a mystery, we can't figure out because they are beyond us. Yet still we can realize that the LORD is complete, as in the Book of Thomas, He could create a female out of himself and make love to her if need be. The story rings scripturally true and therefore probably is true because JESUS is the Creator, not just a blue eyed, compassionate Jew who might answer your prayers. JESUS is much, much more.

   Jesus is not a sexist or a racist. He doesn't favour one sex over the other, or one nationality over the other. Anyone that says differently is probably raised in the church and retains this churchy unjust patriarchal dogma, that just can't come out of their churchy hearts. For anyone that knows the Lord or who has become one with the Lord knows that He is not a respector of persons, and looks not at outward appearances but at the HEART. ( 1 Sam 16) He doesn't look at your sexual organs, nationality, colour, I.Q., and looks at your Heart. So sorry , male machoists & female chavinists, the Lord of Lords, IMO, is for
EQUALITY and TRUTH and JUSTICE. Neither sexual side can claim the Lord and his favour.

   So the image of God is male and female, perfect compliment one of the other. Perfect triangles of the Trinity, making the Star of David, intertwined in UNION. This is the physical symbol of the Lord, the one Solomon and David knew and were instructed about and which perfectly shows the equal relationship of the male and female triangles
   This hexagram, which was stolen by nationalistic political Israel, is  actually the symbol, the image spoken of in Isaiah and other scriptures concerning the ENDTIME as our ensign, our standard, IMO. The downward pointing female triangle and the upward pointing male triangle are equal and both perfectly enclosed in the Lord's circle of protection. So no wonder, the bees use a hexagonal shape to create their honey, and their elixir, as this same shape dictates the form of most crystals that can only be capped by the Lord's capstone in a true pyramid (See
Sexy Star of David & Golden Section Pyramids)

   But if you don't believe in equality and think you are above the other sex, you truly do and will have future problems especially with the Lord of Lords, because He can use anyone, male or female, neutered or not. for nothing is impossible with the Lord

   In His & Her Service

According to the Father, Mother and Son

David Jay Jordan

June 27, 2000
David Jay Jordan's
Homepage  Sexual Mysteries