David Jay Jordan's

Harmony and the Chord of Triumph

Believe it or not, Harmony isn't just a musical word but a
mathematical, scientific and spiritual term. Because for music
to be harmonic, it has to blend together perfectly according to
the physics of sound. It has to peak at the same time and at the
same place. And secondly, our divinely created sense of hearing
has to intuitively calculate whether it is mathematical and
corresponds with our own  original biological frequencies
created by the Creator. For to really move us and get to the
center of our being it has to correspond to our literal heart beat,
that the Lord created. So harmony is a matter of being in
tune physically and spiritually, and aligning with our origins.

       Because when you get right down to basics, every thing has a frequency, as everything vibrates according to its composition and atomic structure. All things are musical because everything has a resonant frequency or note. And seeing everything came from one central designer, then being in tune with Him is not just literary license, but can be a scientific spiritual union of our heart and body with sounds. (SEE
Tune His Heart to Mine Lyrics)
       O.K. so if we start with any frequency, let's say 27.5 hertz or A on the piano, the very first or lowest note. And then let's figure out what exact frequencies harmonise with it and why?

      Well, imagine a string placed across the top circle to the left right here, giving a frequency of 27.5 hertz. If this length is  dubled it gives a frequency of 55 hertz which is an octave higher, and as we know this doubling of length or raising the note to twice its frequency is harmonic and we consider this different frequencies to be in tune with the lower one.
And so now, let's determine what notes are harnmonic between the ends of
this octave starting with 27.5 up to 55 hertz. If you look to the left,
another equal sized circle intersecting the first circle or frequency
at its very center, creates this new shape called the vesica pisces,
and not so amzingly this shape is similar to the female genaliatia,                       
Why, because according to the Lord's design and according
sacred geometry' when two become one, they give birth to a
mes through the sacred passage way of the female genitalia. For
again, even the word music, springs from the Egyptian word
'to give birth' (SEE
Sex and Music) In other words, music and
sex, and feeling, rthymn and unity are all intertwined together,
as seen in the vision of the
Three Loafs of Bread that became One.

    Whew, that was heart stopping or heart starting, so to continue, this beautiful ( ) , vesica pisces produces a whole new circle with a radius that combines the two original mating circles. But its radius isn't half of their diamter but is 3/4 of the original diamters. SEE the red line or bar above. A circle from its center, encompasses the two parents and its note or length of string would vibrate in 'Tune'  with the original tune of the original diameters of the parents. Matter of fact three of their diameters would be equal to two of the offsprings diameters exactly. The red line in the drawing above has a radius,  1.5 times their radius's, meaning half of that frequency would be a harmonic step between 1 and its octave 2. So using sacred geometry and sexual mating, 1.5 is a harmonic step between 1 and 2.

     And then if we proceed the multiplication mating game, by mating the next newly created circles. just as in the Fibornancci series (SEE
Golden Section Class) then the next using two of 1.5 radius circles, if mated produce a new ( ) and a new radius of 2.25 times the original length of 1. But this is not between 1 and 2 and yet half of it would be, therefore 2.25 divided by two gives a harmonic of 1.125. This is a new step between 1 and its octave 2. Are you catching it ?, because we now have 1, 1.125, 1.5 and then 2 as being in tune and harmonic with each other. And on and on we could go mating circles until they produced twelve notes and then a new octave.

     And when you eventually gather up all the frequencies (radiuses) together and how much greater they are from each other, it gives the muscial scale you are used to on the piano as you go from A to G and then to the next octave of A. So below if A equals 27.5 hertz, then A# is tuned at 29.12 hertz and on and on

     This can be expressed mathematically, and yet because it's difficult to show, if interested please SEE
Where Music meets Math, which shows it graphically and beautifully. So whichever way you look at it, and however you hear His Music, it's Harmonic.         ...........  

   Homepage - Music Frequency
1- A   ...... 1 
          A#                1.059            
  2- B    ...... 1.125      2nd mating    2,25
  3- C    ...... 1.389
         C#                  1.259
  4- D    ...... 1.335
          D#                 1.414
  5- E     ...... 1.5         1st mating
  6- F     ...... 1.587
          F#                 1.681     
  7- G    ...... 1.781
          G#                 1.887
  8- A   ......  2