David Jay Jordan's                                                                                                                           Great Pyramid Prophecy

Spiral Pathway to Sacrificial Altar

Whenever approaching sacred ground, it seems we are many times required to get into the spirit and into the spiritual by climbing up a spiral pathway to the altar, where we can give THANKS to the ONE and ONLY LORD OF LORDS. The 'Altar of Sacrifice' on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem was elevated above the worshippers, as the whole Temple was deemed a part of the Mountain of the Lord's House, that altar being rasied so all could see the sacrifices to the Lord.

     For even Elijah did this on Mount Carmel, when he challenged the evil prophets of Baal. He built an altar of sacrifice to the Lord, and circled it with a ditch. (I Kings )And the Lord answered his faith with fire. Joshua also obeyed the Lord, and built a mound, as an altar of witness to those of succeeding generations before crossing the Jordan. (Genesis ...). And even though many don't know it,
Enoch designed the Great Pyramid at Giza as a witness and as direct mathematical prophecy to the exact 1st and 2nd  Coming of the Messiah. And it also could only be reached by ascending from within via a pathway to get to the King's Chamber. Its angle of descent and ascent being the  very significant and meaningful Christos Angle of 26.3 degerees.

     And if you do the math, you will find out that at this angle of ascent in either a circular mound or on a phi pyramid, will get you to the capstone level or altar platfrom in one complete revolution. In other words, the Christos Angle of Ascent, makes a phi spiral to the Altar, if a worshipper walks upward on a pthway of 26.3 degrees.

     But you might ask yourself why. Well simply put, any ritual and
a spiritual ascent to an altar would be a ceremony or a spiritual way
of connecting literally to the SPIRIT, needs to coincide with Reality
and the world that the Lord Himself created  Right (SEE
Rituals). And
if you study physics, you will find out that the PHi or Golden Section
pathway is the exact pathway, that the Lord uses to bring matter from
the spiritual demension into the physical realm... and vice versa,
dematerialization rather than materialization.
SEE Phi Graphics to the Right --------------------

      So now when you see the Cydonia Altar  Mound, we can
understand why it has a spiral incline of one revolution, or why
the Sidbury Hill Mound has a pathway of one revolution starting
in the North, just as with the Great Pyramid.

      And then, another siognificant feature seems to be that the 500 foot Giza, is copied in height by the 500 foot Mound in Cydonia, and the sacred 500 foot height of Glastonbury Tor (of the
Christian King Arthur History).and this seeming to co-relate to the 500 second distance we are from the Sun. (SEE Tabernacle of the Sun/Son). And always on the top of these temples, there's a flat horizontal surface, on which a sacrifice can be performed.. In the case of the Great Pyramid, it is where the capstone was supposed to be placed. It being at exactly 55/56ths of the entire height of the Pyramid. For even my wife, when seeing the heavenly host celebrating the Lord's victories were on a flattenned peak of a mountain, and she had to cross over to it. (SEE Flowers on the Vine) And in another dream, she had to climb up a spiral pathway to Glastonbury Tor and its flattened apex.

       So the co-relations with the Bible, and the Temples of the Lord here on Earth are there for us to consider. But what should we be sacrificing, when we reach our spiritual jouney upwards, even if we are on flat ground ? What is the sacrifice we are expected to give once we have gotten into His Spirit ? Well in the Old Testament they sacrificed animals ? But by New Testament Times, Jesus became the sacrifical LAMB that died for us and was sacrificed for us, therefore we need not sacrifice anymore animals. For as the prophet prophesied ........ Praise and worship in the Spirit is the only sacrifice required

O Lord, open thou my lips; and my mouth shall shew forth thy PRAISE. 
For thou desirest not sacrifice; else would I give it: thou delightest not in burnt offering. 
The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite HEART, O God, thou wilt not despise
. (Psalms 51: 15-17)

     And we need not kill for Him, but should live for Him, by being his missionaries of life

I  beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a LIVING sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. (Romans 12: 1)

In His Service


SEE also
Cydonia Altar
Christian Sexual Architecture


Sidbury Hill, England
Cydonia Altar Mound, Mars
PHI Pathway of Creation