David Jay Jordan's                                                                                            Prophecy Board     Great Pyramid prophecy

     Timeline of the End

     Seeing scripturially, Israel refers to spiritual Israel of the heart,since all of the Lord's people have always had to choose the 'chosen one' and chose obediance  rather than being chosen because of their lineage. (Romans 2: 29), I would say Our
New Nation of the Lord was not started in 1948 with the creation of physical worldly materialistic Israel, but started with our spiritual birth in 1947. This year can be arrived at in many different ways, but allow me just to give the spiritual reasoning from the basis, that Enoch stated that man would rule for 6,000 years which matches perfectly with the six days of creation parallel. (SEE 6,00) Years of History and Six literal Days of Creation as well as 1,000 Year Divisions). And seeing we can figure out from Bible geneologies that the Creation took place in 4004 B.C. then 6,000 years later makes 1997 A.D. as the End of Man's Rule. SEE below Graphics .....

     But the gathering of the Lord's Bride and our search and service in finding all the
144,000 Brides of Christ takes us 14 years just as it did Jacob, in establishing the first children of Israel. (SEE Additional 14 Years) Hence adding the 14 years to 1997 gives us 2011/2012, preparing us to GATHER, in preparation for the worst time in human history... the Great Tribulation. This surely starting near December 21, 2013 and early 2014.

      So our nation in my opinion from scriptures and prophecy started in 1947, for as the Jewish elders and present day scholars have realised, there has to be '120 'Jubilees' before the coming of the start of the Lord's rule. A 'Jubilee' is a time span of 50 years, 119 of them being 5950 years from Creation ... and that would have brought us to the YEAR 1947. For similarly if the Lord started our Nation in 1947, do realize that the evil ones were also cast out then, and have started reinforcing their evil end time empire at the same time.. (SEE
Watchers website confirmation and notice the correlation counterfeit to 33 ).

     More on this later ... as we eventually get this and other timelines exactly right by listening exactly to HIM. For we will have to know in advance of all these things and not afterwards. We shall have to have foresight not hindsight, for His Prophecy is HERE for us to make decisions in His Spirit, so we will not be caught off guard like the rest of the world.

1Th 5:4-6    But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief. Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness. Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober.



December 2006
Great Tribulation                                                             2014
     2nd Coming