Peter Davidson
get ICQ and chat to me
get a Bigfoot email address
get Netscape instant messenger and chat to me
School friends
Hi, I was married on the sixth of May 2000 and separated on the third of August 2000. I live in Perth with a new lady.
Hi, I am into science, technology, and life. I enjoy doing up cars, and general fixing up things, and improving my surroundings. LOL. A bit like "Tim the toolman" ha ha ha. I'm a bit of a techno whiz "propeller head" he he he. But at the end of it all I like nothing better than going on a drive into the country and relaxing near a babbling brook and having a hug with my loved one.
I love nothing beeter than having a bbq or picnic with my favourite friends, and my family. Most of my family are in the eastern states thou, so my lady's family more than makes up for it.