- This was the pilot episode, in which we are first introduced to our primary character, Scott Barringer, a sixteen year old troubled teen who is taken by his father and stepmother Elaine, to Mount Horizon in handcuffs, which happens to be, funnily enough, a high school for troubled teens. We see that Scott has some kind of relationship problem with his stepmother, constantly calling her a skank, and his father admits to the director of the school, Peter Scarebrow, that six months ago, Scott was one of the best wide-recievers in the state. But then he began turning to drugs, his grades began slipping, and he turned more hostile. Peter senses that something is going on home, which turns out to be sexual abuse as we are told through Scott's flashbacks, which he has when he arrives at Mount Horizon. Also, we learn that Mount Horizon is in debt and is "looking down the barrel of foreclosure."

Meanwhile, on a lake, caneoing is this rest of the Cliffhangers, which will be the group that Scott joins. On a wilderness quest, we are introduced to Shelby, a hot-headed blonde with an attitude, Auggie, a strong-minded Spanish boy with an obvious sense of stubborness, Juliette, a whinging, pretty girl, who obviously doesn't get along well with Shelby, Ezra, the comic, try hard with a small crush on Shelby, and Kat, the knowledgable, older member of the group.

Scott is extremely upset and confused at being sent to the school, and so runs away into the woods nearby. While there, he has major flashbacks of his football days and of Elaine coming into his room. After getting a lift from a trucker into town, he finds an abandoned house, which he begins trashing in his anger and fear. Peter finds him there and during his attempts to calm Scott down, he discovers that something is happening at home, enough to make Scott not want to go back. He convinces Scott that he is here to help, and he will be safe with him.

The episode ends with Peter saying that, despite Scott breaking the rules, they can't send him home, because Peter senses that there is something really toxic going on with this kid. Frank agrees, and Peter finally climbs his mountain.