Early Imperial Romans

by Kevin Carrucan

(January 2003)

Esci Early Imperial Romans as an element...

Early Imperial Romans as an element...

...and as individuals

...and as individuals (one Revell and three Esci)

Kevin Carrucan (the same Kiwi who shared his photo's of Roman Re-enactors in Blighty) sent me these pictures of his Early Imperial Roman command element. To quote Kevin...

I am using magnetic basing to allow for inevitable future changes. The magnetised base is attached to the figures and thin tin plated mild steel is used for the element base, this provides a superior magnetic bond compared to ferro-paper.

Very nice. Similar to how I did my Late Roman Auxilia, but much nicer. This allows much more flexibility as to how you want your elements to look and also allows you to use the same figures for DBx, Warhammer Ancient Battles (WAB - casualties get removed as single figures) or skirmish games.

Jolly nice paint work too.

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