How this site runs
And then a star was Born! (Date 14/09/02)
Hello and welcome to DBZ Power Struggle It's is I Majin Kai everyone's favourite mentally unbalanced webmaster here to tell you that this site is still very much under construction. So please keep in contact with the site as myself and my goodie, goodie co-owner supreme kai improve it every day.
Message board
Scramble for updates! (Date18/10/02)
Majin Kai here guys just to give you a little info on how the site is going. So far we have updated the How this site works page and the transformation pages also we have added a teams page and a marriage page. We will be excepting application into the site soon so keep an eye out for any news on that, well i gotta go now Supreme Kai is moaning at me to finish updating I tell ya this guys a real slave driver (walks off mumbling incoherantly)
We are open :D !!!!!! (date 22/10/02)
Supreme kai here , We are now open and ready to any applictions to the site :D,
we still have work to do to the site but you may now start role playing as soon as we register you :D , the site sould be compelty finished in the next week :D , you have fun now ya hear :D,
(sorry i have no pic yet :D )
Update on site(date 29/10/02)
Supreme kai here again , the site has been moving slowly laterly,
we have been taking exams laterly so we couldnt update
well that all out of the way now so the the sitestart moving again :D
Ok saga page is now up and also jobs.