Gladys Mitchell -
A Grand Dame of Mystery's Golden Age
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Follow these links to learn more about Miss Mitchell and her works:

Her Life   

Her Works


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Welcome to the Gladys Mitchell mystery site!  This site is dedicated to Miss Gladys Mitchell, a grand dame of Mystery's "Golden Age" (1920's and 1930's). 

If you've found the site, you've probably either read a novel by Miss Mitchell or been referred by someone who knows and loves her work.  Miss Mitchell was a prolific mystery-writer and was working actively until close to the time of her death in 1983.  Her most prolific series of mysteries features the character Mrs. Beatrice Adele Lestrange Bradley, known alternatively as either "Dame Beatrice" or "Mrs. Bradley". 

The Mrs. Bradley Mysteries have come to prominence recently by the adaptation and dramatization of one of these novels, "
Speedy Death" on the PBS Series "Mystery!"  In May 2001, 4 more Mrs. Bradley novels will be dramatized on the "Mystery!" series. 

Gladys Mitchell's works have been praised by critics although they are now out-of-print and largely unavailable. 

The goal of this site is to provide useful information about the author and her works, and hopefully pique your interest in reading Miss Mitchell's works.  She is an author whose prolific output is worthy of praise and acclaim! 
Last Updated: 02/23/01
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