Messages from Johnnie to this site
[guestbook entries]

81) johnnie from America wrote @ the 15.November 2003 um 10:07 Uhr:


hey guys!!! really cool site...thank you so much for putting all this hard work into it. it really means a lot! we are in NYC right now working on our third album. you guys are going to love it! can't wait to see you all. come support us at the dome in Vienna. love ya!

81) johnnie from the USA wrote @ the 6.Januar 2004 um 21:41 Uhr:
like this page?!: YES!


Hey everyone! WoW! This websites really cool! thanks for making it! i love the pictures of my family! Well were back in new york now! Workin hard on our third album! Its a lot of work, but its gonna be the best! im finally getting out of the house to go visit some friends tonight... They are mad at me, because ive been working on the album so much, that i never see them! AHHHHHHH!!! Ive been relaxing a lot too... Christmas was great with my family! And new years was fun... i just stayed home, and had a few friends over! It was perfect!
How was everyones new years?
im telling everyone to please vote for us at the Bravo awards... we gotta win this year! the show is in hannover on March 8th! and my birthday is on the 11th! YAYYYYYY!!! Its the Big 21! i cant wait! well great website, and thanks for all the love and support! i love you guys and cant wait to see everybody! stay warm in germany! Miss you all!
love always,

[thank you Johnnie]