Mein Tagebuch II

5. Mai 2004

Um 9 Uhr morgends an diesem Tag hatte mich das deutsche Leben wieder!! Meine mom und Dietmar hollten mich am Flughafen ab. Nach einer traenenreichen und stuermischen Begruessung mussten wir noch auf mein Gepaeck warten bis wir dann endlich nach Hause konnten. Im Auto war das alles wie ein Traum, ich wusste nur nciht genau von welcher Seite. Ob ich nun von Deutschland traeume und eigentlich noch zu Hause in Kanada war?? Oder ob ich zu Hause in Deutschland war und von einen Aufenthalt in Kanada getraeumt habe?? Zu Hause haben mich dann noch meine Oma und Opa und der Rest begruesst und mir mein neues Auto, was ich gleich "Manni" getauft habe, gezeigt. Abends sind wir noch mit meinen Paps nach Solituede, zu meinem Lieblings Italiener Essen gegangen.

5. Mai 2004

An meinem 2ten Tag bin ich mit einigen meiner Freunde, Gesa, Stephan, Julia und Nadine, zum Fruehstuecken ins Extrablatt gegangen, ganz wie in alten Zeiten! Allerdings habe ich meine original kanadischen Pfannkuchen vermisst! Spaeter bin ich dann noch mit einer Freundin zu Gamiro gefahren. Es geht i After that Nadine and I drove to Gamiro to see him. It was so sad to see him, but he is fine and he got a nice owner now ;(

May 7, 2004

My first day of work after 10 months. It was so strange to be in our restaurant again and so many things changed. But it was fun, like always.

May 8, 2004

Today was my welcome party, at the same time a few of my old class mates met us at the bar. It was lots of fun. But it is different than partiing in Canada, no more english!!! So sad ...

May 9, 2004

This night almost everybody of my family was at our place, so cool, lots of talking talking talking ...

May 10, 2004

Monday was my first day of work at my dad's business, but not as much as I wanted. I got sick a few times, so I had to stay home a lot.

May 17 till 21, 2004

A few of my friends went to Römö in Danemark for a couple of days. We had so much fun there. We took my mom's trailer and that was a good thing. The weather was not that good, we had a lots of rain in the nights. We went to the beach just twice and the rest we stayed at the camping area. We drank a lots of alcohol there and we made so much really good food!! It was just amazing. We need to do the same next year!

August 2, 2004

Today was my first day of work in my bank! I was so nervous! However, the first week we had to go to Schleswig every day to a training. The second week the real work in our bank started. I am in Harrislee, just 15 minutes from my home. I have a lots of fun there. I really like it.

September 5, 2004

Today there was a huge marathon in Flensburg. I went there with my bank with a drinking point for the runners. My stepdad, Dietmar ran there, the whole 43 kilometres. He got to the finishline as 129th runner, not bad right??

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