HS Pfunds Telnr: 05474/5284 (I don't know jet)

                      Jutta: homenr:0039/1473633424 mobile:0049/1755263248

                      ENGL teacher is : Monz Bernadette, Zangerl Otmar her homenr.: ? mobile: ?

                      The Feedback lesson where the teacher is free is somewhere in between the other lessons






                      As soon as possible: about Ireland, English dinner

                      The project title will be: English dinner, Ireland

                      The project will be in class: 4

                      The end product of the project will be: homepage from HS Pfunds with tourist guides for travellers or interested people (about



                      CAC of the DAY:

                      - 18th of March: getting to know each other

                      - 20th of March: giving instrucions (when English /German?)

                      - 24th of March: no lesson!

                      - 25th of March: 5 minutes silence!

                      - 26th of March: 5 minutes silence!

                      - 27th of March: how can I find out/ find out what LL really understand, when do they understand nothing, what to do then?

                      - 28th of March: grammar revision, is it useful to help LL get the rule or message?

                      - 31st of March: I was ill!

                      - 1st of April: I was ill!

                      - 2nd of March: 10 ways of saying "good"

                      - 3rd of March: time management

                      - 4th of April: break for TTT

                      - 7th of April: T:only short notes for preparation

                      - 8th of April: begin homework in lesson, feeling for the level/speed

                      - 9th of April: English only (quality of English!)

                      - 10th of April: patience for LG III learners

                      - 11th of April: / (Messe/computer room)



                      18th of March: 1st form: "Bad luck for Arnold"

                      2nd form: "At school", the subjects

                      4th form: Schularbeit

                      20th of March: 1st form: 3rd person "s", Arnold

                      2nd form: "the bullies", "at school"

                      21st of March: 1st form: 3rd person "s", Arnold

                      2nd form: Schularbeit

                      4th form: Verbesserung Schularbeit

                      24th of March: 1st form: no lesson -> Pädak Servierprüfung

                      2nd form: Schularbeit Verbesserung

                      25th of March: 1st from: 3rd person "s" again

                      2nd form: revision: school subjects (all skills)

                      4th form: Verbesserung Schularbeit, getting to know LL, introducing project, images of Ireland, computer room first

                      imopression internet sites

                      26th of March: 4th form:

                      27th of March: 1st form: textbook p.48, correct spelling -> on A4 sheets, later on wall, revision "s"- rule

                      2nd form: talking about hte ideal lesson plan, grammar focus: to be allowed to...

                      28th of March: 1st form: calculations, (hopefully) plural "s"

                      2nd form: revision "to be allowed to", school rules (+listening task)

                      4th form: recipe scones (ingredients...), first presentation of project, LL find an introduction for

                      internet site

                      2nd of April: 4th form: kitchen appliances, internet/computerroom: Ireland


                      3rd of April: 1st form: "pogo the Pig", animals

                      2nd form: school rules, story: "the bullies"

                      4th of April: 1st form: animals, listening (animals/clothes)

                      2nd form: Vocabulary test, to be allowed to...

                      4th form: listening Ireland p. 102, revision: reported speech

                      7th of April: 1st form: animals (wordsnake, Beebs with animals, ...)

                      2nd form: give voctest back, to be allowed to, story: "the bullies"

                      8th of April: 1st form: food interview, song: we're going to the zoo

                      2nd form: Unit 16 "buildings", begin: vocab work

                      4th form: game: "Reported Spech", advertisements

                      9th of April: 4th form: advertisements about Ireland-> on homepage

                      10th of April: 1st form:

                      2nd form: computer room

                      11th of April: 1st form: computer room

                      2nd form: Messe

                      4th form: Messe