Title: Elfin Kiss

Author: NyteKrwlr (NyteKrwlr@aol.com)

Website: http://www.avalon.cobweb.nl/bomb.html

Rating: PG-13

Pairing / Main characters: Nightcrawler/Northstar

Series/Sequel: complete

Summary: Slash.

Disclaimer: These characters are property of Marvel Comics, Nightcrawler,Wolverine, and the X-Men are all copyrighted.

Date: Oct 2000

Warning: This story has some bad language, and deals with the issue of homosexuality, it is not a sex filled story, it just happens to be a story about certain characters that happen to be gay, if this offends you please do not read.



Elfin Kiss

By NyteKrwlr


"I hate this. Being alone. Being scared. Not wanting to be alone with myself. I've always found it easier to make others laugh than to be myself around them. Now I'm here alone, in this mansion. No one to distract me from me. One word keeps popping up; it consumes me, every second of every day. I never say it out loud. I'm too scared to. It would mean my life is a lie. That my love has been false, how can I admit that.
Now I sit here in my room, staring at the ceiling. A single framed photo of
Erol Flynn hangs next to my bed. He was so handsome. So beautiful, graceful, I want him so bad. STOP! These thoughts are wrong. Yet I have them all the time. What would Amanda say, Logan? They'd never speak to meagain. I must keep these thoughts out of my head. Food, I'll eat, watch a movie,then fall asleep.
This house is so huge; space has never meant much to me. I can move with a thought, walls have no meaning except the ones I keep around me.The kitchen is a mess, Ororo had Stevie over for dinner and they ran out as soon as they were finished to go hit the clubs in the city. Hmmmmm may be that's a good idea, I'll go out for a bit, have a drink, meet some new people.It's only eleven; New York is the city that doesn't sleep. The problem is I don't know where to go. Who cares? I'll find a place.

I quickly take a shower and dress, find my trusty image inducer and then I'm off. What shall I look like tonight? Dark hair, dark eyes,goatee, I'll have the inducer keep my facial features, just change my color.There that looks good, now for the clothes, a black shirt, cargo pants, black clunky shoes, nice belt, and I'm ready. Now the question is how do I get there. I could borrow someone's car, or take a bus, nah I'll just call a cab have them ride me over to the path trains.

The cab ride was uneventful so was the path train. God those trains go so slow. I don't know how people ride them everyday. Lets see I'm on Christopher Street in the Village. The Village, Kitty said this is were all the best dance clubs are. Here or in Chelsea, here is good enough. I haven't ever done this, I'm 26 years old and I've never gone out by myself. How funny, my stomach is in worse knots then when I'm faced with fighting criminals.
Is that piano music I hear? I've always wanted to go to a piano bar, where is the music coming from? Ah there's the place, The Monster, how appropriate, Ach Kurt stop that. Place is pretty packed lots of
people,I'll just get a drink and enjoy the music. The bartender is a handsome man,well built with very tight jeans on, stop that Kurt you'll wind up getting thrown out for staring at him.

"Vodka and Cranberry please"

"Sure enough handsome" he replied.

Did he just say handsome…? No I must have misheard him. He arrived with a drink.

"Anything else I can get ya cutie," he said.

My jaw dropped. My eyes looked around the place quickly; there were no women in the bar. Only men, men holding hands, men kissing, men listening to the music, Men singing Judy Garland songs.

"Nein danke I'm fine" I stuttered. I handed him the money still stunned. I'll finish this drink quickly and I'll leave. I don't want to leave. I want to sit here and maybe meet someone. NO what are you thinking Kurt? You must leave; this is against god and everything you believe in. I want to stay. To hell with everything else, I'll just stay for a few drinks and then I'll leave.

I found a place to sit and watched a young man singing "Clang Clang Clang Went the Trolley". There were so many men in this place. I've heard of bars like this but never dreamed of going to one. Now I'm that I'm here I don't know what to do. I sipped my drink, it was strong, I will have one more and then go home. Just then I almost dropped my drink, out of nervousness; I was so turned on and scared.

"Excuse me but I noticed you were alone and I thought you might want some company"

My head turned to see a beautiful young man standing next to me. He appeared my age; he had a nice build, black hair, dark eyes, and a sinful smile.
I stuttered. "Sure…. I …I would love some" I couldn't believe the words escaped my mouth.

"Is that an accent I detect?" he asked as he took the seat next to me.

"Ja, I'm originally from Germany"

"Ah beautiful country"

"You also have a trace of an accent"

"Yes I'm French Canadian, my name is Jean-Paul. Yours?"

"Kurt, nice to meet you" The music was so loud I didn't quite make out his name. He was beautiful, the lights in the club were sorta dark but from what I could make out he was drop dead gorgeous.

"So Kurt what do you do?"

"I um I teach at a private school, gymnastics and such, you?"

"That's a good question, I work for the Canadian government I'm here on business"

It seemed as if the world had stopped. I could no longer hear the music, or the other people talking. His eyes captivated me.

"So how long are you in the city?" I asked.

"Well for about two weeks depending if everything goes all right, I've been so busy lately that this miss… ER I mean this trip seems like a vacation."

"I understand that."

"So Kurt I hate bars, I know this kinda seems forward, but would you like to grab a cup of coffee? I passed a place on my way here"

"Uh…. Why not?" I can't believe I accepted his invitation. I could takecare of myself, and I doubt a ruthless enemy would follow me into a bar like this. So I followed him out of the bar onto the street. Once outside we chatted, nothing to serious, and we walked to this coffee shop. I still forgot to ask him his name again. Now I felt foolish for not knowing but I wasn't sure how to bring it up, silly isn't it.

We talked for hours, 3AM came so quickly. He was the most interesting man, a kind soul I could tell right away. He did have the propensity for coming off like a snob, but you could tell that it was just a defense.None of us are perfect I guess. It came time to leave, I wanted so much to see this man again, but I knew I couldn't. I couldn't lie to my friends about myself and I didn't want to lie to him. So we walked outside of the shop he smiled at me and then gave me his card, I slipped it into my pocket and prepared to shake his hand. Just then he kissed me. He kissed me! His lips touched mine. I could feel the roughness of his skin against mine. I kissed him back. It felt so perfect; it felt like being kissed for the first time. I didn't want it to stop. He slowly pulled away.

"Give me a call Kurt, I'm free tomorrow night, maybe we can have dinner."

"Ya dinner would be nice."

"Okay then it's a plan, I'll be waiting for your call" He smiled at me and then gave me hug and walked away. I know I stood there for quite awhile. Completely exhilarated. Finally I turned and walked slowly to the train.The ride home felt like forever. I've never been so happy. I've never felt so guilty. I couldn't call him no matter how bad I wanted too.

I arrived home around 430am, to a quite house. I had seen Logan's bike parked in the front and I'm sure Ororo was home by now. I quietly walked up the stairs hoping to wake no one. I could have just ported but I was afraid that would be too loud. As I approached my room I saw a shadow approach down the hall. It was Logan.

"Hey Elf, where ya been, not like you to come home in the wee hours of the morning"

"I just went out with some friends Logan, no big deal"

"Jeez Kurt why so nervous, I can hear your heart pounding"

Damn his ears, and damn him for being so nosey, do I ever pester him about being out late?

"I'm not nervous, I just had too much to drink and you know"

"Eh whatever so how is our friend Northstar doin? I can smell the little snot all over ya, I wasn't expecting him till tomorrow"

"Northstar? I have no idea what you are talking about mien freund, I told you I went out with some friends."

Northstar?? Why the hell would I have been with…? MEIN GOTT! How stupid can I be?? It all clicked; he's from Canada, works for the government.

"Well the nose doesn't lie elf, but whatever you say" Logan strolled down the hall.

Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit, how the hell could I be so stupid,why didn't I recognize him? I knew Alpha Flight was coming tomorrow. Logan told me earlier in the week, that they were coming down for a cookout. Did he recognize me? My voice, what if he recognized my voice, what the hell was I going to do?They would be here tomorrow morning, Remy bragged about his Cajun cooking all week, even Scott and Jean were coming, how the hell could I get out of this?

I could leave, yes, that's what I would do, leave. Damn it! I know I can't leave Logan asked us all to be there, he said our teams needed friendlier interaction. I agreed. Hell, I even convinced Sarah to stay for it.

My life was over, Mein Gott I have to figure something out to tell Logan, he knows I was with him tonight! What am I going to do????

The morning came quickly. Too quickly, I had tossed and turned all night. I got up early, found Logan and told him some nonsense that I was so drunk that when I ran into Northstar I didn't even recognize him. He hardly paid attention. I went upstairs and decided to act like nothing had happened. I got ready for this verdammt cookout. Around 11am everyone was up, Kitty had tried to give Sarah a makeover which was actually pretty funny. Peter and Remy were setting up the volleyball net and Logan was getting the grill ready. Scott and Jean had arrived. Ororo was making sure we had a nice summer day. The day seemed perfect, the members of Alpha Flight were to arrive around noon. Mein Gott what was I going to do? Ignore Jean Paul?We had never been friendly before but now I wanted him so bad I couldn't stand it. I went to the fridge and pulled out some beer and headed for a nice shady tree. Then Ororo approached me.

"So Kurt I heard you had a pretty wild night?"

"Nein, Ororo I simply met up with a few friends and stayed out a little too long"

"Really? And which friends were these?"

"No one you know, fraulien."

She thankfully left it at that. I popped the top off my beer and closed my eyes hoping no one would notice me here.

Noon. Right on the dot Alpha Flight arrived. I saw them walk out of tie back porch and join everyone else. I struggled to see Jean Paul yet he was no where to be found. I closed my eyes again hoping that I would blend into the shade.

"Well hello stranger."

I opened my eyes with a start. There in front of me stood Jean Paul. He wore a white t-shirt and shorts. I could too clearly make out his beautiful form. I didn't know what to do, did he recognize me?

"Mind if I join you Kurt?"

I shook my head yes, not wanting to speak, heck who am I kidding I couldn't speak. This man had an affect on me like no other.

"I saw you sitting over here alone and thought, hey another guy with pointy ears can't be so bad" He chuckled.

"You know what's funny Kurt? I just met a guy from Germany, another Kurt."

"Ha…" I said. I smiled briefly. He didn't know it was me! That is until I opened my mouth to actually speak to him.

"So I heard you just came back from England, How do you like being back in the states?"

I shrugged and smiled hoping that it was enough.

An awkward moment passed. I could tell Jean Paul felt uncomfortable, thinking that he was bothering me.

"Well I'm going to go back and grab some food, sorry if I disturbed you" He stood up to walk away.

I don't know what I was thinking but instantly my tail lashed out and wrapped around his leg. I teleported us both down to the inside of the boathouse.

After the smoke cleared, I could see Jean Paul doubled over with nausea. His face red with anger.

"What the hell?" he coughed.

"I'm sorry Jean I really am but I need to talk to you alone" I blurted out. Swift Kurt real swift.

"Well you didn't have to turn my inside's out to get my attention, and why would you need to talk to me so bad?"

"Ach…I'm sorry, but I…"

"Wait a minute, your voice, reminds me of… " and then he started to laugh.

I was terrified, was he laughing at me, laughing at the thought of kissing me? Just then his arms came around me. He pushed me against the wall. He kissed me again. His mouth invaded mine. I kissed him back. His hands grabbed mine and he placed them on the wall behind us.

"I can't believe that was you last night Mr. Wagner you sneaky devil" He said with a grin.

"Believe me Jean Paul I didn't realize it was you, you were the last person I expected to see in New York City. I'm sorry" He had me pinned against the wall.

"No Kurt, actually this makes me very happy, I've always secretly lusted after you, but I always thought you were straight, so I never bothered"

"So did I" I laughed.

"Actually no one knows I'm gay, I haven't the courage to tell anyone, going to that bar last night was a complete accident I didn't even know it was a gay bar…Mein Gott I just said that didn't I? I'm gay, I've never said that out loud, it feels good."

He smiled at me, everything I knew about Jean Paul was wrong. His arrogance was a defense much like I use my humor.He kissed me again. This time his hands roamed my body. My hands did the same to him. I had always dreamed of this moment to be lost in a kiss, to feel love from another man. To make love the way I knew was right for me. So then I did the strangest thing I've ever done, I pulled away. I looked at Jean Paul, his beautiful man, this sweet man, and realized that I didn't know him.

"I can't Jean Paul we just met, I mean just really met, I know I want more than anything to make love to you, but I can't, I want this to be special, sounds stupid I know."

With that he held my hand and kissed me on the cheek. " For you Kurt I would wait forever, you're right we shouldn't rush into this, we should wait, but if you think you're getting away from me you're dead wrong"He laughed. I loved the sound of his voice.

"How about dinner tonight after this party ? We can then start to learn about each other"

I wholeheartedly accepted. With that he insisted we *walk* back to the cookout and join our friends.

The cookout was fun I kept looking at Jean Paul and he sat with me the whole day. I didn't care what the others thought, quite honestly I don't think they even noticed. After everyone left, I helped my fellow X-Men with the clean up. I headed upstairs to get ready for my date. Again I walked down the hallway and Logan walked toward me, he said in passing with a big grin on his face.

"Have fun tonight on your date Elf, you and he make a nice couple".