Title: Arrogant Assumption

Author: CheyenneDancer (cheyenedgr@aol.com)

Websites: http://www.slashcity.org/~cheyene/

Rating: NC-17

Pairing / Main characters: Glorfindel/Haldir

Series/Sequel: complete

Summary: Slash. Haldir wants what he cannot have. What happens if he gets it? PWP with a dash of plot thrown in for variety.

Disclaimer: They don't belong to me! But I *want* them so! They belong to Tolkien, Tolkien Enterprises, New Line Cinemas and only the Gods and Valar know how many other different fingers are in the pie. I make *no* money from this work of fiction.

I worship upon the altar that is Tolkien and PJ! I will even sacrifice a not very virginal elf to the gods of orgy, if they will just give me Haldir. Or Legolas. Or Elrond. Or the Twins! Hey they count as One--they're a pair! I'm an Elf Slut... what do you want???

Archive/Distribution: Yes, to any who wish, just let me know where and please keep my e-mail attached.

Date: April 2002

Warning: None really, possibly slight D/s themes, a little bondage light, nothing scary. Fuzzy consent, maybe.

Notes: Special Thanks go to Quiseyes and The Silver Unicorn aka Cindy, who did a wonderful job beta-ing for me.



Arrogant Assumption

By CheyenneDancer


Chapter One - Ithil-touched

"I *will* have him." Haldir murmured quietly, his eyes following the slim golden figure clad in blues and silver as the elf left the talan where the Lady and her Lord were meeting with Elrond, Lord of Imladris, this day.

Rumil turned to follow brother's gaze, his brows rising almost to his hairline. His lips twitched in a would-be smile before quickly suppressing it. Haldir's temper was well known and Rumil had no wish to ignite it in so public a place, although both he and Orophin delighted in teasing their brother mercilessly when the consequence was small.

"I think you aim too high, this time, brother." Rumil was unable to keep his amusement from lacing through his tone.

Ignoring his brother, Haldir continued to watch Glorfindel with greedy eyes. Glorfindel often carried messages between Lothlorien and Rivendell and was a welcome guest at the table of the Lord and Lady of the Wood. Other times, the golden haired hero of the Second Age, would accompany Lord Elrond, either as bodyguard or confidante, Haldir was unsure.

He had spent many a day and even visiting with Glorfindel, only to be met with amused tolerance. Haldir found Glorfindel fascinating. The Rivendell elf was conversant on a wide variety of subjects, had a wicked sense of humor and his anecdotes of the Second Age ran the gamut from mildly humorous to outrageously unbelievable to poignantly heartbreaking.

Yet, Glorfindel himself retained an air of mystery. And nothing he chose to tell reflected upon any that now lived. Glorfindel paused, indecisive, at the foot of the tall mallyrn where Lord Elrond was meeting with Celeborn. Then, as if he had come to some conclusion, the tall elf turned, following a path through the trees beyond.

"That elf is driving me mad with lust, Rumil! I swear he knows it! I have pursued him relentlessly, but he takes no more notice of me than he would a single leaf in the wood! Nay, even less--for with a leaf, he might deem to meditate upon its beauty. From him, all I have received is amused tolerance. His aloofness draws me, like men to power... or Melkor to the One."

"Shhht! Do not speak of such foul things in these woods, brother!" Rumil censured crossly. "If I did not know better, I would say that you have lost your heart, Haldir."

Wicked laughter answered this, Haldir's blue gaze marking where Glorfindel disappeared among the trees. "Love is a fool's trap, Rumil. And I am no fool. 'Tis but the excitement of the hunter and the chase. And I *will* have him. I am determined to add that warrior to my collection. I've not had a Rivendell elf, yet, nor one so cunning, nor ancient. I mean not to fail."

"I do not believe it wise to pursue that particular elf. He is high in Lord Elrond's favor and an experienced warrior in his own right."

"That, my brother, is what will make the conquest all the more sweet."

A sly smile graced Rumil's too perfect features, his silver gaze taunting. "If you are so determined, would you care to wager?"

"Name your stakes, Rumil."

"Should you fail, you must take my season at watch."

Puzzled, Haldir looked to him. "Why is that?"

"Does it matter?" Rumil grinned, "Suffice it to say there is a maiden, she is one of the Wanderers and will be traveling along the Sirannon towards Ost-en-Edhil this next season. I would meet up with her there." He graced his brother with a sly-eyed glance. "And, I would have a quiver of your arrows. They are legendary in the trueness of their flight."

"And done! And when I succeed, you shall take my season next at watch and will give to me a hand-tooled quiver the like that you had made for Celeborn's gifting day."

At Rumil's doubting glance, Haldir snorted. "Faint heart and all, Rumil."

"Done!" Rumil declared.

With a toss of his long silvered locks, Haldir moved to follow his prey.

Rumil shook his head wondering briefly if any good would come from his brother's obsession with Elrond's seneschal. Haldir was renown for his dogged pursuit of bedmates and a time or two his younger brother had been over-close to scandal for his zealousness in the chase. Still, Haldir was headstrong, and arrogant in his assumption of his prowess. Both in arms and in love. There was little either Rumil or Orophin could do to dissuade the younger elf, once Haldir had set his eye upon someone. Rumil stared after his brother as he disappeared through the mallyrn, a misgiving growing in his heart.

With the skill of an accomplished hunter, Haldir trailed the other elf. A bent blade of grass here, a waving shrub there, a freshly turned pebble, a small bit of thread, even the whispers of the forest hinted that Glorfindel had passed this way. His golden prey made little effort to hide his path, but then the other elf did not know he was the subject of Haldir's hunt.

'Twas a child's game for Haldir, to track Glorfindel through his woodland home. Lorien, after all, was his territory. Haldir had grown up here, played amidst the towering mallyrn, learned to shoot his first bow and skin his first kill here. He had accepted into his care the guardianship of the wood from Lord Celeborn and Lady Galadriel, themselves. It was almost unheard for any elf of his youth to hold such an honor and Haldir carried that knowledge proudly. Perhaps, too proudly.

Curiosity touched upon Haldir, as he followed Glorfindel past the boundaries of Caras Galadon. Ithil had barely crept above the crown's of the mallyrn, sending his cool light to dance among the shadows as the trees grew smaller and wilder. Mallyrn grew few and far between wilder and younger trees, whose voices whispered of tidings of a new age, while the mallyrn grieved the passing of the old.

Stopping just behind the trunk of a hoary old oak, Haldir watched as Glorfindel entered an Ithil-touched glade. Though no yellow-starred elanor grew this far from Caras Galadon, the pale blue of niphredil raised their fragile heads to worship the silvered moon.

Glorfindel stood in the center of the moon-touched glade, arms spread slightly from his sides. Clad in the blue and silver livery of Elrond's household, Glorfindel looked like a pale flame caught in the center of a sacred circle. Face lifted skyward, lips parted as he raised his sweet baritone voice in homage to the twilit night. Joy and sorrow twined in Glorfindel's song, as ever an elf's life is touched by both.

The joy of each moment, the blessing of eternity to enjoy all of Elbereth's creations, the sorrow of watching the passing ages and the wheel of time; all combined within the poignancy of two lifetimes. Fear, too, was in the song, fear of coming too close and losing that which one hold's dearest. Twined through the soft lilting song was the fear of elves to be touched by any age, lest they are brought down from their immortal status and left upon the eastern shores.

Singing of grief and singing of joy, Glorfindel stood unwary among the niphredil.

Haldir's breath caught in his throat at the beauty of the older elf.

Ithil kissed Glorfindel's face with his cool silver light, softening the angular features and making the re-born elf seem to glow. The bright gold of his hair shone like starlight and was pulled back by several leather ties and laced into a tight club that fell well below his waist. Neither lover's knots nor braids adorned the practical elf's beauty.

Haldir longed to loosen the hand-tooled leather and watch the soft silk fall loosely around Glorfindel's slight figure. The Lorien elf envisioned the seneschal laying naked upon the sweet grassy sward, the soft hair fanned like a cloak upon the ground, surrounded by the pale blooms of niphredil, their sweet scent released by the crush of their bodies. Haldir pictured Glorfindel twisting wantonly under his attentions and begging for release.

Like a quick river, lust flowed though Haldir, quickening his sex and he imprisoned a gasp behind his teeth, lest he alert his prey too early to his presence. With silent steps, he approached the heedless elf. Haldir circled Glorfindel with his arms, quickly clasping the seneschal so that his arms were pinned against his sides.

Glorfindel stiffened within Haldir's grasp. The Lorien elf pressed his body full length along Glorfindel's slender figure, feeling the strong back pressed against his chest, the swell of buttocks against his groin.

Haldir moved his lips against the other elf's neck, kissing softly and breathing in the scent of evergreen and clover that seemed to linger about Glorfindel like an aphrodisiac. He kissed up the graceful arch of the older elf's neck, bringing his lips close to the pointed tip of Glorfindel's ear.

A sharp intake of breath answered Haldir's delicate touch, and the older elf tilted his head back instinctively granting greater access. "Who?" Glorfindel's voice trailed off as Haldir continued his assault upon his neck and ears.

Ignoring the hissed question, Haldir snuffled against the nape of Glorfindel's neck, slowly biting his way towards the delicately upswept ears.

Haldir smirked to himself in expectation of his success. He knew how sensitive elves' ears were from very personal experience. With a shake of his head, Haldir pushed away that dark memory. He planned on exploiting that weakness to the fullest, until he had Glorfindel a twisting, writhing bundle of need, willing to accede to anything that Haldir might desire.

"Greetings, friend." He whispered teasingly against his captive's ear, sending small puffs of moist breath whispering against the sensitive organ. An answering shudder caused Haldir to grin. "It is dangerous to wander alone too far outside the borders of Caras Galadon, even for one of your legendary skill"

Fanning his fingers across the elder elf's waist, Haldir pulled him back into even closer contact. He could feel the warmth of Glorfindel's body thrill through him, until it seemed a hearth fire flamed and flickered between them.

Glorfindel attempted to shrug off Haldir and step away, but the Lorien guardian would have none of it. Now that Haldir was so close to having his heart's desire, he could no more conceive of loosing Glorfindel than he could a hobbit wielding the One Ring.

He clutched at Elrond's seneschal, pulling him back roughly into his hold. A small laugh escaped him as triumph warmed its way through his heated blood. "I do not think so, lirimaer.*"

Haldir continued to nuzzle the fine hairs at the nape of Glorfindel's neck, blowing softly against the delicate cup of the other elf's ear. He licked an intricate tracery around the edge of Glorfindel's ear, paying special care to the sensitive pointed tip. "I have watched your cold light from afar too long. Now, I wish to play among the stars and take comfort from their beauty--and see if it is true that they are cold to touch, or merely waiting passion's touch to catch flame and burn out of control."

Turning his face a mere fraction into Haldir's whispered caress, Glorfindel's golden lashes fluttered closed. A sigh moved through the older elf. Glorfindel's voice was somewhat breathless, yet underlined with arrogant demand that wrankled Haldir greatly. "Why do you break my solitude, Haldir of Lorien? What is it you desire? Do you even know?"

Smiling wickedly against the lobe of Glorfindel's ear, Haldir nipped the sensitive flesh sharply. At Glorfindel's start of pain, Haldir then daintily lapped at the injury with his tongue. A shiver traversed the length of Glorfindel's slim body.

"You," Haldir whispered hotly, pushing his throbbing need against the curve of Glorfindel's buttocks so there would be no mistaking his meaning.

A convulsive swallowing could be heard at Haldir's reckless declaration, and an answering heat seemed to flare up from the older elf. Haldir felt Glorfindel sag into his hold; all resistance melting from the seneschal. Haldir smirked. This was too easy.

Loosening his hold somewhat, Haldir allowed his free hand to wander the much-desired territory of the other elf's body. He pressed closer against the muscled back, arrowing his hands towards the girdle cinching Glorfindel's tunic. Haldir expertly manipulated the clasp, his slender fingers stroking the chill mithril links as he worked.

It was when his attention was thusly otherwise occupied that Glorfindel suddenly thrust his elbow back into Haldir's abdomen, the older elf quickly followed his advantage with a heavy step to the younger elf's instep, causing Haldir to howl in pain.

With the ease of a long seasoned warrior to a callow youth, Glorfindel danced out of Haldir's hold. The seneschal swept Haldir's feet out from under him with a swift spin kick.

As Haldir tumbled gracelessly to the ground, Glorfindel, moved with amazing speed and agility, following the younger elf down, determined not to lose his advantage. He landed heavily upon the Lorien elf, causing a whoosh of breath to escape the stunned younger elf. Before Haldir could regain his breath, Glorfindel had pinned his arms at his sides, straddling the younger elf's thighs, effectively immobilizing him.

Haldir was forcefully reminded that this elf was no mere bureaucrat who spent his days attending to his Lord's lands, but a warrior in his own right, and a hero of the second age. How he had ever thought to take this elf unawares was a folly brought home to him with the ease of Glorfindel's command of Haldir's body.

Glorfindel's melodious voice taunted him, "I have not lived all these long ages to be taken unaware by someone so steeped in youth and folly."

"Get *off*!" Haldir gasped, struggling ineffectually against the elder elf's strength.

Glorfindel's brows rose, a wryly-amused expression dancing in the depths of forest dark eyes, "Arrogant pup. I wonder if you would have granted me the same courtesy?"

Haldir's glare was answer enough. Glorfindel chuckled.

At the older elf's laughter, Haldir began to buck anew, attempting to throw his attacker bodily from him. He twisted beneath the older elf, kicking his legs impotently, fury coloring his face as surely as the shame of his entrapment.

With negligent ease, Glorfindel rode out Haldir's struggles, a green flame leaping dangerously into the older elf's narrowed eyes. The seneschal moved only slightly, kneeling on one of Haldir's hands to keep him from loosing himself. With his other hand, Glorfindel released the clasp of the mithril links girdling his loins, the silver links chiming lightly as he slid the links through his hands.

It was child's play to wrestle Haldir's hands together and bind the younger elf's wrists with the links. Glorfindel wrapped the excess of the links about his hand, forcibly raising Haldir's hands above his head, Haldir gaped when the elder elf slid a dagger from his boot sheathe.

"What are you doing?"

Smirking, Glorfindel slammed the blade through the links of the chain now binding Haldir's slender wrists and wedged the blade between the roots of a tree. "Truly? You cannot guess?" The green regard traveled the length of his bound captive and returned to the flushed face, lingering suggestively upon Haldir's bow-shaped lips.

Haldir stared at Glorfindel, wide-eyed. He was unable to stop the faintest tinge of fear from creeping coolly along his body. The heat flashing at him from Glorfindel's gaze caused his heart to race like a herd of wild horses seeking to elude capture by the Rohirrim.

Like a sparrow mesmerized by a serpent, Haldir watched as Glorfindel leaned over him. He closed his eyes at the last moment, when the elder elf brushed the lightest of kisses across each eyelid. "You will not take me unwilling." Shame flushed through Haldir, as the quaver in his voice betrayed his uncertainty.

Glorfindel's smile was heard, though unseen as the elder elf nuzzled the tip of one of Haldir's upturned ears. At Haldir's rapidly in-drawn breath, Glorfindel replied softly, letting the warmth of his breath tickle and tease the younger elf's sensitive ear even further. "I will not have to. This is a lesson you were well-taught, was it not? You sought to turn my own body against me, for you seem to be one much used to taking. Tonight, you will learn to give."

Another kiss accompanied this statement, a soft nuzzling to Haldir's neck and then a return to the torment of his ear. Haldir groaned in dismay, eyes flashing open; he found Glorfindel much too discerning for his comfort.

"You will learn to take joy in your submission." Glorfindel's words blazed through him.

Anger rescued Haldir and he thrashed, pulling furiously at the chains about his wrists as he sought to pull the dagger from the ground, his nostrils flaring in both fear and rage.

"I will not submit! I do not want this! Curse you! A pox on you and your household... Ai!" Haldir's voice trailed off as Glorfindel roughly nipped the ear lobe he held betwixt fine white teeth.

"Do you truly know what you want, pen-neth? Will you beg for your release, then? If this is your will, then let it be known, now. I will not be mastered, manipulated or controlled by some puerile elfling." Glorfindel stared deep into the stormy blue of Haldir's eyes. "Know this: If we do this thing that you seem so head bent upon, we will do it my way--or not at all."

Humiliation burned like an orc-ish draught at the back of his throat. Haldir turned his face away from the searing regard, wishing fervently that he had heeded Rumil's warning words. Excitement, fear and shame battled with want and desire. No one had ever mastered him before. No one had cared enough. He bit his lip refusing to lock gazes with the older elf, frightened at how enticing surrender to this elf sounded.

Glorfindel's muscular thighs flexed and pinned him upon either side, and the scent of the other elf was wildly exotic, calling to him of ancient secrets and dark places.

Hands twisted his hair painfully and his head was brought around, he stubbornly refused to open his eyes, knowing that if he looked upon the deadly beauty of Glorfindel, he would be lost. Had he wanted this? Was this what he had been yearning for? Someone to take control, to mold him, make him, break him?

Was Glorfindel the one? All questions he should have asked himself prior to attempting to pursue the older elf.

"Look at me, Haldir."

The soft words stroked across his cheek, tickled his ear and elicited another shiver of sensation through his restrained body. His lashes fluttered like dark shadows upon pale cheeks, yet he could no more refuse the quiet command in Glorfindel's voice than he could refuse to sorrow at the ending of an age nor to sing for joy under an open star-studded sky. "Please... "

Haldir pulled against the hand knotted into his hair, seeking an escape from the insistent pressure to obey. With fear riding mascot to his desire, he opened his eyes to look upon the glory of the older elf. Starlight shone upon Glorfindel as though the Valar had gifted him with the light of Earendil. He swallowed hard, his adam's apple a knife slicing his throat painfully. "What is it you wish of me, Glorfindel?"

A smile graced the angular face and Glorfindel cupped Haldir's face in his open palm, searching the beseeching eyes beneath him. Running his thumb tenderly across Haldir's full lips, he gentled his voice, "Do you submit, pen-neth?"

Cheeks flamed anew and Haldir twisted his head away again, leaving strands of silvery hair captive in Glorfindel's fingers. His voice barely above a whisper, "Please, do not ask this of me... "

Haldir's stomach fluttered like a butterfly caught within a spider web--or more like, the grim thought came to him in dark humor--a dwarf held fast in Shelob's web.

Gentle fingers slid across his cheek, dabbling in silvered tears he had not known were leaking from tightly closed eyes. Glorfindel sat back on his haunches and Haldir felt the heat of his buttocks brush against his erection. To his shame, Haldir felt his face heat. Even the tips of his ears burned as his hardness jumped in eager anticipation against Glorfindel's firm round buttocks. His mouth was unbearably dry, and he flicked his tongue over his parted lips.

He could sense Glorfindel's piercing gaze upon him and the very intensity of it sent shivers racing along his flesh. With one hand, Glorfindel grasped Haldir's chin, gently forcing him to face him. "Open your eyes, nin bain*."

Reluctantly, Haldir found himself obeying the soft command. His eyes fluttered open and in desperation he sought to avoid the sizzling look directed at him, to no avail. Glorfindel refused to allow his escape, demanding complete and utter capitulation.

The seneschal's voice was gentle when he spoke, his thumb tracing lightly across the younger elf's bow-shaped lips. The tenderness of the gestures caused Haldir's heart to flutter wildly and his breath to come in jagged gasps. He was unable to look away from the fierce light blazing from Glorfindel's eyes.

Glorfindel's voice covered him like warm honey, husky and seductive, "You get what you want too easily, lirimaer. That has made you spoiled and vain. Yet, none have given you what you truly desire."


Chapter Two - Unmade

"You are a foolish old elf!" Haldir snarled, an emotion rolling through him that he refused to name. Again he bucked and twisted, yanking desperately at the silver links binding his wrists. Like a wild colt being broken to the saddle by the Rohirrim, he struggled and kicked and called out. Fury coloring his face and making his eyes wild.

The older elf seemed excited by his struggles. A challenging light emanated from Glorfindel, a dark smile twisted his lips. Glorfindel's expression was both exciting and frightening. Haldir had long prided himself on being able to read the motive and moves of his opponents, yet Glorfindel was a complete mystery. It was as if Haldir, himself, was an open book, but Glorfindel--was a wizard's grimoire--pages masked by some dark spell.

Finally, Haldir collapsed back on the ground, teeth clenched at the futility of his struggles. He glared at the seneschal. Haldir could not tell what secrets moved behind the fathomless gaze of Glorfindel.

Defeated, he shifted uncomfortably beneath the Rivendell elf. He was only too aware of the heat that twined between their two bodies, the shift and flex of muscular thighs upon either side of his hips, the round swell of buttocks which rubbed ever so enticingly over his swollen member.

Swallowing convulsively, fear and desire made his words come out in a husked whisper, "You have proven your point, if you had one. Now, release me."

A small smile played about the older elf's stern lips that did nothing to allay Haldir's uneasiness. Haldir moved restlessly beneath Glorfindel's continued study.

"Not yet, I think." Glorfindel's voice sounded far away, and Haldir could not restrain a soft moan from squeezing past his tight lips as the older elf slid along Haldir's body, bringing their erections into heated contact.

The moan became a soft cry of despair as Glorfindel rocked slowly, rubbing the fierceness of his rigid cloth-covered flesh along Haldir's hardened length. "Ai... please... " Haldir was unsure what he was asking, but Glorfindel took full advantage of his soft plea.

Tenderly, Glorfindel brushed moist lips across Haldir's mouth. Laying full length upon the younger elf, Glorfindel's legs splayed to either side of the guardians, the seneschal deepened the kiss. He brushed his tongue softly along Haldir's full mouth. When Haldir tried to turn from the kiss, Glorfindel used tangled his fingers in the long, fine silken strands of the guardian's hair, keeping Haldir from breaking the bond between their lips. With a small thrust of his hips that sent Haldir shuddering with need, Glorfindel punctuated his desire.

For Haldir, it was an awakening. The very tender demand of Glorfindel's kiss unmade him. He gasped into the kiss. Heat raging through him. It felt as if this one kiss commanded him, grew within him like a great tree of fire, spreading it's branches and roots throughout his body, claiming him. He sobbed against the kiss. Denial warred within him. He fought his response with the viciousness of an elf cornered by yrrch. Fought his surprising, sudden, overwhelming need, and fought against the inevitability of his surrender.

But Glorfindel was insistent. With gentle mastery he commanded Haldir's body and spirit. With a small sound of entreaty, Haldir surrendered. He parted his lips allowing Glorfindel to explore his mouth thoroughly. Passion sparked and flared between them, and Haldir felt as if his very immortal spirit was being devoured. Glorfindel nipped Haldir's lower lip with his sharp teeth and the younger elf whimpered.

When Glorfindel withdrew from the kiss, as slowly and agonizingly as he had begun it, Haldir gave soft cry of protest. He lifted his head in an attempt to maintain the touch. Haldir's chest heaved as if he had run a great distance; he could not seem to draw a full breath. His body shivered as if he were ill and every point along his flesh that was in contact with Glorfindel was a fiery inferno.

Glorfindel traced the line of the young elf's cheek with delicate fingertips, the green of his eyes almost eclipsed by his passion dark gaze. His voice was warm and loving, husk filled with desire, "Let me show you what you truly desire, nin bain. Let me give this to you, Haldir."

Helpless against the soft urging and the promise of passion and tenderness unlike any he had known, Haldir gave a brief nod, fearful that what he was agreeing to would be more than he could ever walk away from, yet unwilling to have Glorfindel leave him now.

Glorfindel's answering smile and the dark blaze of passion shining from his eyes was almost too much. When Glorfindel pulled a dagger from his boot, Haldir hid behind his eyelids, concentrating on breathing. In. Out. In. Out. There was nothing to fear. Why didn't he believe this?

He felt the other elf shift off of him, and he wanted to wail at the loss of contact. He was more than half-fearful that now that he had agreed Glorfindel would leave him here. Alone to be found by whatever wandering elf might come by. A soft brush of lips against his wet cheek reassured him.

Long, slender fingered hands moved over him. He shivered. Haldir felt the sharp edge of the elven blade slide through the silk of his tunic effortlessly, could feel the coolness as his over-heated flesh was exposed slowly to the other elf's gaze. He trembled like a newborn fawn as the material was gently cut from arms, chest. He felt Glorfindel pause above him, and heard the dagger fall carelessly to the grassy sward.

The smell of niphredil hung thick in the air and the silence was unmanning. Even the insects that sang their nightly chorus to the stars were hushed. He risked a glance at Glorfindel and found his breath caught in his throat.

The older elf seemed clothed in the glory of the firmaments, a claiming fire burned in Glorfindel's gaze, the elder elf stroked gentle fingers along his throat, ran one slender finger down the side of his ribcage, Haldir squirmed beneath the ticklish sensation an urge to giggle dancing through him. Never had he been the center of such focused desire.

Glorfindel continued the exploration of Haldir's body with his fingers, eyes intent upon the younger elf's face. Every fleeting expression noted and catalogued. When he came to the band of Haldir's leggings, he drew them down slowly, as if revealing a great treasure.

Haldir gasped as the cool night air kissed his erection. His hips rose of their own accord, seeking the heat and firmness of Glorfindel. Glorfindel gave an amused chuckle. "Not yet, meleth-nin*", his soft voice wove beguilingly through the spell being created by his fingers.

Divested of boots and clothing, Haldir shivered. By the Lady, if looks could burn, he would be aflame! The heat pulsing from Glorfindel, burned and marked him, scorched his very spirit and filled him with an undeniable yearning. He had never wanted a lover so greatly in all his years. The sound of his desire filled the small glade.

"Shhh, 'tis well, pen-neth. Do not fret." Firm hands trailed over chest and hip, fingers curled to clasp the cusp of his hip and Haldir felt branded. The older elf trailed a series of delicate kisses along Haldir's jaw, his tongue lapping daintily at the corners of the Lorien elf's lips. He followed the path of his fingers down along the arched throat, paying homage to Haldir's swiftly bobbing adam's apple. Nuzzling warmly along the join of neck and collarbone, Glorfindel sent shivers of ecstasy rushing along Haldir's spine like ball lightning flaring in a summer storm.

Haldir jerked reflexively at the chains binding him, his hands twisting helplessly to pull at the links. Small gasps for air wracked him, shivers racing each other to and fro across his pleasure driven flesh.

Glorfindel paused above one pale rose nipple, waiting until Haldir opened eyes he had not been aware had closed. Then with loving reverence, the elder elf nosed the tender teat, flicking his tongue around the bud until it drew up tightly beneath his ministrations.

Haldir was moaning nearly non-stop, soft pleading noises pulsed from his throat in a series of cries that were growing louder and more needy as Glorfindel worshipped the younger elf's body. Glorfindel nipped the tight-drawn teat, causing Haldir to yip and arch into the seneschal's mouth. Pleasure and sweet pain twisted darkly through his body, lounging needful in his groin like a ravening beast.

Wet heat laved the injury, soothing the sharpness to desire. Fingers teased along burning flesh, kisses were planted in gentle abandon along his abdomen. His erection swayed and thumped against his flesh with each kiss and bite that Glorfindel graced him with. The tip of his penis pushed past the collar of skin. The head was colored a deep plum in aching need and pearl colored drops oozed almost continuously from the tiny slit.

A look of dark humor shaded Glorfindel's face as he stared up at Haldir. He blew a puff of cool air over the begging flesh, before flicking his tongue across the tip, tasting the dewdrop of Haldir's need.

"Ah! Elbereth! Gilthoniel! Saes!" Torment. Such sweet torment. He moaned and thrashed beneath Glorfindel, losing all knowledge of speech, his body arching in its need as heat consumed him.

Glorfindel refused to be hurried, the elder elf hooked his hands beneath each leg, lifting and pushing until Haldir was nearly doubled. He blew more cool air across the puckered opening to Haldir's body. Haldir lurched, his body sang like a too tautly strung bow, sweat dewed his flesh, making him gleam luminescent beneath Ithil's unyielding light.

Glorfindel kissed the dark entrance to Haldir's body. Flickering his tongue across the opening. Haldir mewled, the needful cry echoing throughout the wood. Haldir was long past caring about his dignity. He was long past coherent thought. All that mattered was the heat of Glorfindel's palms against his thigh, the wet fire of his tongue as it lashed the hidden opening to his body. Mercilessly the older elf would bring Haldir to the brink of completion, time and again, only to back away, leaving the younger elf a wordlessly pleading supplicant.

Just when Haldir thought he could take no more, Glorfindel plunged his tongue into the musky opening.

Haldir screamed. Undone. He was undone. Unmade. Made anew. A conflagration roared through him, more potent than the strongest of magics. He twisted helplessly in the vice of his passion, his voice gone hoarse from his cries.

A pulsing surge of energy purified him, pooling and swirling in his groin to sweep through his arched body with the relentlessness of the River Bruinen during spring thaws. Fire... fire... fire... lightning scorched him, surged through him, his orgasm was ripped from his helpless body, leaving him trembling powerless upon the shoals of a slowly growing awareness.

Soft crooning words broke over him, he was held fast by Glorfindel, his knees nearly to his ears, soft kisses were being placed on his inner thighs. Tears silvered his cheeks, he could feel their wetness and wondered when he had cried. Fear wove through the daze of completion as he stared at the elf that had mastered him so fully.

Glorfindel allowed no time for the fear to grow. It was as if he could read Haldir's thoughts and emotions. The older elf swiped his fingers through Haldir's spattered seed, forest dark gaze locking with Haldir's paler blue as he licked delicately at his fingers. "You are sweet, pen-neth."

Passion tinted the other elf's voice dark. Haldir shivered. "Saes... " His voice was a broken whisper dragged from the depths of desire. Glorfindel was not done with him, yet.

Shaking his head, Glorfindel gathered up the remnants of Haldir's spent passion, an unreadable look upon his face. With careful fingers, the seneschal tended Haldir's opening, smoothing the creamy substance over and into the dark entrance.

Haldir's heart did a curious thump and roll as he felt the slender fingers pushing into his body. Glorfindel touched something deep within him, which caused him to cry out with alarmed pleasure. With a sly-eyed look, Glorfindel repeated the motion, and again, intense pleasure rolled through him and Haldir gasped aloud, throwing his head back against the grasses.

With wild abandon Haldir began to move upon Glorfindel's fingers as much as his awkward position would allow. This seemed to be what Glorfindel had been waiting upon, the Lorien elf nearly sobbed at the loss when Glorfindel pulled his scissoring fingers from his body. Tension raced through him as he understood what would happen next. He stared mesmerized by that elf's dark, lust-filled gaze.

He half expected Glorfindel to ram his rigid sex into his tender opening that elf's eyes glittering so fierce with a fire that near eclipsed the normal green of his eyes. But it was not to be, with a gentle touch Glorfindel broached Haldir's body.

An aching tenderness pervaded Haldir and he felt pinned beneath that gaze, a helpless victim of the tenderness there. There was a pushing, a sharp pain and Haldir whimpered softly, then Glorfindel was within him, the heat of his erection pulsing and throbbing like a second heart buried in his body. Haldir sobbed, raising his hips in supplication. His sex jerked erratically and grew in response, as Glorfindel thrust slowly, inexorably into the tight heat of Haldir's body.

"Meleth-nin. Lirimaer. Nin bain." Glorfindel sang softly, eyes half shuttered as he watched the quickly changing emotions flashing across Haldir's face. With gentle patience, he continued to push inside Haldir's body, until Haldir finally felt the soft slap of Glorfindel's testicles against his buttocks. Glorfindel wrapped his fingers around Haldir's rapidly swelling flesh and began a gentle stroking. He matched the motion of his hand with that of his hips, slowly withdrawing from the tight heat of Haldir's body and then re-conquering every single centimeter of territory as he pushed inward.

Haldir felt tossed upon a sea of emotions. He cried out at each stroke within his body, as Glorfindel shifted and angled it so that his penis caressed that sweet spot hidden deep within his body with every thrust. Haldir was pinned between the sweet pain of Glorfindel's claiming thrusts and the tight welcoming heat of his hand. Pleasure and pain danced in a dark mix of delight and fire. Fireworks, the like of which even Mithrandir had not, danced behind tightly closed eyes.

Pleasure sang through him, it's song lifted in the fiery blaze of his surrender. Glorfindel's tenderness undid him, his passion singed him, he cried out as he felt the gathering storm in his loins. Glorfindel's motions became more erratic, harder, shoving him high up on his shoulders, his arms aching from the strain of his position, he felt Glorfindel's length swell impossibly larger within him and he cried out for the pleasure and the fear of it. He writhed and called out, twisting and moaning his rapture as he was pierced and penetrated over and over. Glorfindel pulled a second orgasm from him, bending low over his body to steal his soul with another mind-numbing kiss.

His wail of surrender rent the chill night air as Glorfindel's hot seed filled him. Displaced. He floated somewhere on a sea of sensation. He felt Glorfindel slowly lower his long legs, felt the ache in his loins that left him in no doubt as to who had been the victor in this particular contest.

Longing, hard and piercing filled him and Haldir shivered uncontrollably, shutting out his sight. He was frightened now of what he might be able to read in the Rivendell elf's gaze. Fearful still of what the elf might say. He forced his breathing into a calming pattern, scrambling rapidly to erect walls that had crumbled at but a touch from Glorfindel's hand.

The silence was deafening. He fervently wished the other elf would just leave, now, before Haldir dissolved before him. How could he have known what sweet bitterness delved behind his unwilling surrender. How he should have heeded Rumil's warning.

He should have known he loved Glorfindel. Yet he had turned a blind eye to his roiling emotions and walked open-eyed into this trap. He lay stiffly, waiting, waiting for the word, the rejection that would shatter him beyond hope, beyond redemption.

Haldir found himself trembling like a leaf in a windstorm, blown hither and thither and yon. His first urge was to struggle and run, to hide from this new knowledge of himself, yet he could not bring himself to leave the comfort of Glorfindel's strong arms.

He could feel Glorfindel studying him again, and he exhaled a sudden ragged breath, not realizing he had held it pent up while waiting for the other elf to callously dismiss him.

Slowly, he felt the dagger pulled from the mithril links and the chain untwined from about his sore wrists. He started as a soft kiss was placed on the inside of each bruised wrist. Fingers tenderly played among his braids, slowly unwinding them, and then combing them out about his shoulders.

Glorfindel's hand came to rest against his cheek, turning his face with care. "Do not hide from me, Haldir. Not now. Not ever. You are my own, and I will have no secrets between us, now." The words were spoken without taunt, Glorfindel's voice soft and coaxing, as if he were talking to a frightened bird.

Haldir blinked open his eyes to watch warily as Glorfindel hovered above him. A thumb lightly stroked around his mouth. Haldir parted his lips, unthinkingly, as if to accept it inside. When he finally braved a glance at the older elf, his heart rose into his throat

Unbearable tenderness touched the deep green of Glorfindel's eyes and he lay down beside Haldir, pulling the younger elf into his embrace. He kissed Haldir upon his temple, a mere touch of his soft lips. Both predatory gaze and gentle acceptance met Haldir's unguarded look.

"I must return with Elrond to Rivendell, soon."

The words were so at odds to what Haldir perceived in Glorfindel's stare that he could not interpret them, at first. And when he did, his heart plunged off the precarious cliff upon which it had been balanced. Stiff lipped he sought to push away from the elder elf, but Glorfindel's arms tightened about him, refusing to release him so that he could gather what little dignity remained.

"Release me!"

Sighing, Glorfindel kissed the bent head. "I thought we had settled this, a'ready, tithen rhavon heledir-nin*."

"Do not--" Haldir gulped hating his voice for breaking, hating himself for showing how much he cared.

Placing two fingers beneath Haldir's pointed chin, Glorfindel tipped the younger elf's face upwards. "You choose to misunderstand me, meleth-nin. I wish you to accompany me to Rivendell. My lord could always use an experienced guardian, and I, " Glorfindel combed his fingers through the unruly silver locks a wry smile twisting his stern features, "well--I would like to have you near to hand. You are young and given to much mischief, and I think I have my work cut out for me in watching over you."

Haldir bristled, anger flashing in his storm-colored eyes. "I need *no* keeper!"

Glorfindel's laughter danced merrily between them. "No. But it will reassure *me* to be so."

Haldir blinked.

Glorfindel traced his face with lazy kisses. "You are mine and mine alone and I do not share with anyone. And what is mine, I am sworn to protect. I have given you a piece of me and require no less of you. Are you frightened? Will you give yourself into my keeping?"

A great joy thrummed through Haldir as he lifted his face, pressing his lips against Glorfindel's. "No. And yes."

Laying his head upon Glorfindel's chest, Haldir relaxed into the circle of his lover's arms. There were many plans yet to be made, much left to be said. He would need to speak with Lord Celeborn and his Lady and ask permission to leave Lothlorien for a time.

He made note to himself to make sure that he gave Rumil his best quiver full of arrows before he left for Rivendell and an apology as he would be unavailable to take Rumil's watch this next season.





*Lirimaer - lovely one
*Pen-neth - young one
*Nin bain - my beautiful one
*Meleth-nin - my love
*Saes - please
*Tithen rhavon heledir-nin - my little wild bird

Sindarin Dictionary Project: http://www.oocities.org/almacq.geo/sindar/index.html