Title: It was a dark and stormy night

Author: RabidX (rabid_x@yahoo.com)




It was a dark and stormy night 8

By RabidX


Jono couldn't believe it. Somehow Bobby had talked Angelo into coming back. Now they sat, again at the kitchen table, playing cards. This time there was none of Remy's gas- inducing chili. Just pizza and soda.
Jono and Angelo had spent the afternoon discussing what had happened. Jono was glad Ange and Bobby had talked. After what Remy had shown him of what Bobby felt, he was feeling a bit like an ass. Not completely, and he told Ange that. After all, Ange was his best friend and he was hurt and who else did you threaten to beat the crap out of but someone who hurt your best friend. Angelo had been amused, touched and a bit pissed. After all, he could handle it. But in the end, they both laughed at all the posturing.
"I'll take three." Bobby said.
"Three? You must have a bad hand, non?" Remy grinned.
"Yes. It sucks. You in?" Bobby shot back, blowing smoke at Remy.
"Oooh hoo hoo!" Angelo laughed. "Listen to him! Shut him down, Remy!"
~All I know is, I'm out.~ Jono laid down his very useless cards.
Bobby proceeded to trounce them all, scoring the biggest pile of pretzels. Which after more macho chest-thumping,
became missile weapons. By the time the Great Pretzel War was over, they were all exhausted from laughing, and the kitchen nook was covered in smashed snack food. Stooped with occasional giggles, they got it cleaned up.
"And you call yourselves adults." Angelo said, as he dumped the last of the soda cans.
"I nevah said dat, did you, Bobby?" Remy asked, poking Bobby.
"Nope." Bobby replied, munching some shrapnel. "Never."
~Bloody hopeless.~ Jono said, with a roll of his eyes.
"I'll show you hopeless, petit." Remy growled and proceeded to chase Jono upstairs.
"You'd better be quiet tonight!" Angelo yelled after them.
And then they were alone in the kitchen again. Bobby self- consciously finished wrapping up the left-over pizza and put it in the fridge. When he straightened up, he saw Angelo looking at him. He shifted.
"What? Pizza on my face?"
"Nope. Pretzels in your hair." Ange said.
"Shit." Bobby shook his head over the sink and a couple of pretzels fell. Angelo just snickered.
"Look..." Angelo began. "Thanks for coming to get me and talking me into coming back."
"Hey, thanks for listening to me." Bobby shoved his hands into his back pockets. "And for forgiving me."
"Yeah, well we were both assholes." Angelo said, shifting his feet. "Um, look... it's late..."
Bobby tried not to show how much his heart was falling. "Oh yeah. We'd better get some sleep. I'll...uh, see you in
the morning." He turned to leave.
Angelo nodded. Part of him wanted to grab Bobby and do rude things to him. Another part warned against it. Still a
third part just wanted to go to bed. Alone or otherwise, but to bed.
"Yeah?" Bobby turned abruptly, a note of hope in his voice.
"I don't, um, I don't wanna be alone." Angelo stared at the floor.
Bobby moved quickly over to him. "I though you wanted some time."
Angelo looked up. "I do, but I don't. I don't wanna do anything...I just..."
Bobby pursed his lips and nodded. "Yeah, I know. You think this is a good move though?" Angelo shrugged. "I
mean, I don't want you to think... I don't know... that I would take advantage, or for you to do something you
might regret..."
Angelo crooked a smile. "Over analyze much?"
"Me? Oh yeah, that's me. I always weigh all the facts before I jump. Very serious guy. And I will shut up now." Bobby said quickly.
"No, you're right. I don't want to do something regretful. Which is why I said something." Angelo started to laugh.
Bobby looked so much like a confused Golden Retriever. "Man! Listen to me! I'm 18 an' sounding like I belong on
Oprah! What happened to just *doing* stuff? Look, stay with me tonight, ok? No funny stuff, just sleep and maybe
Bobby couldn't help but grin. "Sound good to me. No funny stuff. Um, can we sleep in your room? I haven't gotten a
chance to wash the sheets."
Angelo broke up.
3 Days Later...
"I'll call you when I get back to school."
~You'd bloody well better.~
Angelo looked hard at his friend. "Anything you want me to tell them?"
Jono's eyes crinkled. ~Yeah. Blow me.~
"I'm serious, 'mano."
~So am I.~ An exasperated mental sigh blew out. ~Ok, tell 'em 'Hi. I'm fine.'. That better?~
Angelo laughed. "I think I'll stick with 'Blow me.'. *That* they'd buy."
Angelo turned to Remy. "Take care of him, he's a brooding ass most of the time."
"I'm findin' dat one out. Ow!" Remy rubbed the arm Jono had punched before giving Angelo a hug. "You take care."
Angelo grinned wickedly at them both and then turned a shyer one to Bobby. Bobby's grin was a match. After a
second's hesitation, Bobby pulled him into a hug.
"Can I call?" He whispered in Angelo's ear.
"You'd better." Angelo whispered back.
A quick kiss and Angelo broke away, red and grinning like the proverbial cat. With a wave, he climbed into the SUV and headed out. They watched him until he disappeared, rather quickly, around a bend in the road.
"Why do people do this?" Bobby asked.
Remy turned to look at him, brow knit. "Do what?"
"Stand around, watching the car, or boat or plane disappear >from sight." He turned, hands in pocket, to face the lovers. "Why?"
~To make bloody well sure the guests have gone.~ Jono said with a nod and raised eyebrows.
"Hmm. Guess so." Bobby said, nodding along.
"You two are jus' plain weird. An' I was worried dat you'd nevah get along." Remy sighed.
~We don't.~ Jono said.
Bobby nodded in agreement. "He's right. Can't stand him."
Remy tossed his hands in the air. "I give up!" He turned and went inside, not seeing the winks Jono and Bobby gave each other.
"So he's happy there?"
Angelo turned from the sink. It was his turn to clean up after dinner and he wished he could do it in peace. Paige,
however, wanted to help. Drill him for information was more like it.
He had been back from his trip for a week. Everyone else had been back for two days. Paige had been trying to get
him alone ever since she found out Jono wasn't coming back.
"Yes, chica, he is. He was smiling when I left."
"Angelo! You know he cain't smile!" Paige sounded offended.
Angelo sigh and clenched his jaw. There, right there, was why Jono and Paige didn't work. He glared at her until her shocked face melted into uncomfortable confusion.
"Paige, you know that thing he does with his eyes when he's happy?" She nodded. "*That's* his smile."
She mouthed an apologetic 'oh'. Angelo shook his head and went back to rinsing the dishes. He wasn't sure how much he would or wouldn't tell Paige about why Jono was happy, but if she pushed it...
"You're sure? I mean, he hasn't written anyone..." Paige trailed off as Angelo's glare hit her again.
"Chica, he is my best friend. I think I would know when he is happy." Something he never really was with you, he
wanted, but didn't add.
"Ok, ok, I'm sorry! I'm just... worried is all. An' my name is Paige." She said, her voice tremulous and strident.
"Ok, that's it. We are not going to do this inside." Angelo wiped his hands off on a towel.
"Wh...what?" Paige backed away, a worried, confused expression on her face.
"C'mon. Outside. I can smoke an' you can ask all the questions you want. No guarantee I'll answer, chica," He
emphasized the last word. "But we'll see."
Angelo led Paige out the back kitchen door and down the path towards the sight where the Proudstar Gym had stood. The re-building was going slowly, stacks of brick and a cement mixer standing silent and abandoned. Angelo
hopped up on a half-built wall and lit a smoke. Paige, after a brief hesitation, hopped up next to him.
"First, I call every girl here 'chica' at one point or another. Get over it. Second, I don't have to answer your every
question. Third, I don't have to be doing this." Angelo said, setting his ground rules quickly.
"Why are you being so mean?" Paige asked, hurt.
Angelo inhaled a long drag. He looked at Paige, sizing her up. "Because I am. You wanted to ask questions about
Jono. Why I am being mean is about me. Sorta."
Paige bit her lip. "Fine. So he's happy, right? Why? I mean, why is he happy there and not here?"
Angelo's laugh was short and sharp. "Now that's got a couple of answers. Which one you want? Yours or the
"I don't have any idea what you mean. If you don't want to tell me, just say so." Paige said, sliding off the wall. "You're still just being mean."
"Walk away and I will never have this conversation again." Angelo said. Paige stopped. "But then again, maybe not is better. Having it is being meaner than you know."
"Would you stop being so stupid and cryptic?" Paige nearly shouted. "Just... answer the question!"
"Ok, here's the one that has to do with you. He's happier there because your not. He may have done something stupid and male when you came back from home, but you tortured him over it. He did love you, but you killed it, chica." Angelo bit out.
Paige's hands flew to her mouth in surprise. "But he... he ignored what he said... he... "
"Yeah, I know. He panicked. And you got nasty. And found Tristan. Why are you so interested in Jono now?" Angelo asked, no malice in his voice, just curiosity.
"I just... am. I... worry about him." Paige replied, shrugging.
Angelo snorted. "Whatever. You don't have to worry about him no more. He's happier that I've ever seen him."
Paige sighed and leaned against the brick. "I hope so. It's got to be kinda weird there. Being the new kid, I mean. He doesn't even really know any of them."
Angelo couldn't help himself. He started to laugh. Paige just stared at him. It made him laugh harder. Her face was just so shocked and reproachful.
"Why are you laughing? I though he was your friend!"
Angelo sobered. Sort of. "Paige, look... he is fine. And yes, he is my friend, my best friend. And I, for one, am happy for him. I mean, you found somebody to make you happy, right?"
Paige nodded. "Angelo, what are you saying?"
"I'm saying, he's found someone who makes him happy too. You moved on, at least I though you had. Well, so has he."
Angelo couldn't help but savor her stunned look. She was so easy to knock over when it came to Jono. Maybe he should feel sorry for her, but he just couldn't. He'd spent too many nights watching Jono tear himself up over her. Almost waste himself away over her and Tristan.
"Oh." Paige's eyes got a far away look. The she shook herself and smiled. "Well, that's good. I... he and I weren't
really very good for each other." Angelo nodded his agreement. "So... who is it?"
"Nope. I have told you enough. You wanna know, you get yer little white girl nerve up and ask him." Angelo said,
jumping off the wall. "Goodnight... chica."
Jono read his e-mail and chuckled. Remy looked up from his book.
"Somethin' good, cher?"
~Yeah. Ange said Paige was drillin' him about me. Was I happy and all that.~ Jono was typing his reply as he spoke.
~He told her I was happy here because she wasn't here.~
~Yeah, well he also told her I had someone. He just didn't tell her who. Felt it was none of her business if she didn't
want to ask herself.~ Jono chuckled again.
"Sounds 'bout right. Why you laughin' now?" Remy swung his legs out of bed and walked over.
~Got a mail from her as well. How are you, sorry you're gone, blah blah blah, and I quote 'Angelo says you're happy
there. Are you? He also says you are seeing someone. I am glad for you. I just hope you are being careful, I hear some of the X-Women can be pretty hard to handle.' She's fishing!~ Jono leaned back into Remy as he laughed.
"You gonna tell her?" Remy asked, as he stroked Jono's never neat hair.
~Don't see why not. I got nothin' to hide.~ Jono said, looking back and up at Remy. ~I love you an' don't care
who knows it.~
Remy smiled and kissed Jono's nose. "Maybe you'd better send a mass mail den, spread de news quicker."
~Oh no. I bet it'll get around pretty fast.~ Jono said, his voice tinged with a smirk.
"Hn. If I didn't know betta, I'd say I'm a revenge boyfriend." Remy said, moving back to the bed.
Jono spun his chair. ~Remy!~
Remy chortled at the look in Jono's eyes. "Cher, I said I know betta! You so sensitive!"
Jono threw himself down on the end of the bed. ~Meanie. Ought to punish yer for that.~
Remy raised his eyebrows. "Punish me? Non, cher, I don't t'ink so. Anyone gets punished 'round here, it should be
Jono looked at Remy and a thrill went through him. Remy's eyes were heavy and smoldering. His wide mouth was
stretched in a sensuous, slightly evil grin and Jono could see the tip of his tongue running on the edge of his teeth.
Dangerous, seductive, Jono felt himself completely enthralled.
~Wot... wot for?~ He managed to get out, his head feeling light for some reason.
Remy slid down the bed to him, bracing himself just above Jono's head with his arms. "For bein' a brat." He whispered in Jono's ear and flicked it with the tip of his tongue.
Jono shuddered. ~'M not a brat.~
"Oh but, cher, you are." Remy whispered again. "A very bad boy brat."
Remy settled down against Jono, his hands rubbing down Jono's back. They settled in the dip just above his buttocks and began to knead. Jono rumbled happily in Remy's mind, laying his head down on his arms. Long, knowledgeable fingers worked up his spine to the edges of the black wraps and back down over his hips.
Jono sighed contentedly. ~I can deal with this punishment.~
Remy worked his hands under those sharp hips and undid Jono's jeans. "Nevah said dis was de punishment." And he pulled off the jeans.
"Hmm. Now I see jus' how much a brat you are." Remy said. "You ain't wearing' any underpants."
~Rem, we just had a shower. Bet you don't got knickers on under yer shorts.~ Jono groused good-naturedly.
"We ain't talking about me. I put on a clean pair o' shorts, not de same dirty jeans I was wearin' all day. Tsk tsk."
Remy said, chastising Jono.
Jono snorted. Then he gasped as Remy's hands skated up the inside of his thighs. Soft kisses were placed on each
cheek. He thought he heard Remy whisper something, then a sharp, stinging blow fell on his ass.
~OW! Christ!~ Jono yelped. He tried to flip over but Remy held him down with his body.
"Tol' you you needed t' be punished." Remy husked. "Now you jus' take your whippin'."
~Didn't know yer were into this.~ Jono choked.
Remy sat back up and pulled Jono part way into his lap. "You want me t' stop?" He asked, lightly skimming one
hand over the offended cheek. "I will, you jus' have t' say so."
Jono knew his face was as red as the spot on his ass. Remy's eyes, his voice, was full of soliscitous concern, love and that seductive danger of before. Jono began to realize that he didn't think he could refuse Remy anything. Didn't *want* to. Besides, his fantasies had an element of BDSM to them. Being held down, tied down, blindfolded, never knowing where the next touch or strike would hit. He shuddered, unexpected heat washing over him.
~No.~ He finally answered, looking into the eyes that burned him, held him, love him.
Remy kissed his eyes shut. "You jus' tell me 'arette' an' I'll stop, hm? Jus' a little spanking, nothin' more."
Jono nodded. ~Nothin' more?~ He asked, peeking one eye open.
Remy laughed. "Well, maybe *somet'ing* more, if you feel up to it."
Jono let Remy pull him out across the bed. His stomach was fluttery, nervous and excited. He watched as Remy got up and pulled a wide, black leather belt out of a drawer.
~Woah, wait a minute...~
Remy knelt next to him. "Not for your ass, petit. I'm gonna need my hands free. Cain't have you squirmin' away."
Remy looped the belt over a rail on the headboard and tied Jono's wrists together with the end. His smile was truly
wicked and Jono wondered why he didn't just melt away. Remy bent, kissed his forehead and gently pushed his head down on the pillows.
Jono wiggled a bit, adjusting his arms. Before he knew it, two sharp smacks hit him. His head jerked up and he
huffed out a not-quite breath from his nose. Fingers ran a shivery path between the stinging cheeks. His hips jerked as four more open-handed blows fell. Moans then, as Remy kissed and lightly licked a cool path on his now hot
posterior. Another swat and jerk of his hips and one of Remy' hands slid over his hips and around his cock.
"Didn't say it had t' be all bad." Remy murmured as he lightly pumped his hand.
Jono had to agree. This was defiantly not all bad. Remy's hand was soothing him, playing his erection up and up. He moaned softly, and buried his face in the pillows. He was almost prepared for the next strike. Almost. As he snapped his hips back, Remy's hand tightened it's grip around him. Jono shook his head as the sting of his ass melted into the heat of his cock. Hot pain, burning pleasure. He hid his face in the crook of an arm, wishing he had a mouth to bite down, something to muffle the shouts in his head, jumbled as Remy did it again. Again. His body went rigid, coping better or worst, he didn't know, with the confusing blend of pain/pleasure than his whirling mind.
Soft, circular caresses on his ass, lower back and long fingers, stilled to a whisper on his cock, gentled him. He
shuddered and struggled to find words. Remy was telling him, showing him... a warm liquid rush of love and desire
flowed over him... how good he was, how... perfect.
~Remy...~ Jono opened his eyes and peered up.
"Beyond sexy, mon amour." Remy said, as he bent to kiss Jono's furrowed brow. "Roll over, hm?"
Jono did, sighing as his ass found a cool spot on the sheets. Remy had, some how, lost his shorts and was now gently spreading Jono's legs. He bent and blew a cool breath between them. Jono sighed again and crinkled his eyes at his lover. Remy smiled back and gave his cock a swift graze with his tongue. Jono tried to pull his arms down, but the belt stopped them. He growled and glared at Remy.
Remy's evil grin was back. "Dat wasn't too bad was it, cher? I think you kind liked it, non?"
Jono wiggled his hips, making his erection bob. ~Wot do yer think?~
"I t'ink, since you been so good, you deserve a reward." Remy waggled his eyebrows and tweaked Jono's nose.
~This mean yer gonna let me lose?~
Remy laughed. "Non, it's a *reward*. You don' have to do a t'ing." He reached into the nightstand. "You have any idea how much you got to me? How hot you look?" Jono shook his head. "Well, jus' let Remy show you, cher."
~Just wot's Remy gonna show.... ooooh~
The same taskmaster hand was coating his cock with a warm handful of lubricant. Sliding up and down, squeezing
carefully. Remy moved to straddle it, rubbing himself against Jono. Guiding Jono back, Remy lowered slowly
down, eyes fastened on Jono's, until he was seated flat against Jono's hips.
"Oh, Jono, you feel so good." Remy moaned as he began to move.
Jono watched, enraptured, as Remy ran his hands up his own chest, tweaking and rolling his nipples. Jono groaned at the brazen sight above him. He pulled weakly at his tether, desperate to touch, grab, do anything to the now panting body riding him. Remy's hands, those lucky little monsters, were scratching down his lean torso, down shifting thighs. One came to a trembling, fluttery kind of rest on Jono's tight belly, the other wrapped around his own erection, fisting in time to his riding.
"Fuck me, Jono." Remy pleaded. "Fuck me good."
Jono shifted and tried to buck his hips. With a growl of frustration, he dug his heels into the bed, gaining the
purchase he needed. Bending his knees, he thrust up and deeper into the hot grip of Remy's body. Remy wailed,
arching his back and rode Jono faster.
~Remy... oh God... yeah...~ Jono's head thrashed from side to side as he tried to keep up.
"Dat's it, cum for me, my beautiful boy." Remy crooned and opened himself up.
Jono felt his mind falling, spiraling down to one bright point with Remy's. That point wrapped him in flames and swept him away. He knew, then, that he screamed and cried as he came, the fire ignighting his body. Somewhere, all around him, Remy was screaming out with him. They crashed together, feeding off each other until Jono fell into darkness.
When he came to, eyes fluttering open, Jono found Remy curled tight around him. His arms, no longer restrained,
were clinging to Remy's chest. He was sleepy and terribly contented. He nuzzled the damp auburn hair under his chin.
"Mmm. Je t'aime, Jono." Remy muttered sleepily.
~Love you too, Remy.~ Jono sighed.
Off in the distance, thunder rolled and a flicker of lightening shot across the sky. Jono laughed and pulled Remy closer.
~'S rainin' again.~
"'M not goin' out dis time."


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