Title: Black Magick

Author: Spirit Melody (kat@lsak.fsnet.co.uk) & Firesong (firesong@ukonline.co.uk)

Website: none



Black Magick 2

By Spirit Melody & Firesong


Logan and Remy watched Scott leave, to head up to the Danger Room control and observation desk. Remy started to stretch and loosen up. It would only take Scott about five minutes to get there, and while that wasn't much warm up time, it was better than nothing. Logan smiled and lightly chewed the end of his cigar. The Cajun's body was a work of art. Deceptively slim and fragile looking in places, whilst firm and strong in others. Even the Cajun's duster moved with him, as if to accentuate parts of his body, but not get in the way. Logan began to feel a stirring in his loins, as the Cajun bent over to stretch the back of his legs. He actually managed to touch the floor with his head, but keep his legs perfectly straight. Logan raised an eyebrow, to say the boy was supple was an understatement.
"Are you ready?" Scott's voice boomed through the speakers in the walls, pulling Logan from a fantasy involving a hot tub, one Cajun and a very horny Canadian that was fast evolving. Remy straightened and looked over his shoulder at Wolverine. He gave the thumbs up, and moved to his position.
"Yeah, I suppose so." Wolverine shouted up. By the way Remy was smiling at him, he knew exactly what thoughts Logan had been entertaining. It's a good job that I ain't the kind that blushes. Logan snorted to himself, and he too took his position.
"Ok..." The composed, authoritative voice boomed. "Start off with the basic 'Pin for a three count'."
Logan smirked and the claws in his left hand popped out. "Ready to get ya coat filled with holes, punk?"
Remy extended his bo staff. "Ready to swallow dis, mon ami!"
"Oooh feelin' touchy, pretty boy?"
"Only when you threaten' de coat."
"Then take it off." Logan sarcastically answered. "I ain't bein' held responsible for your pride an' joy bein' scratched."
Remy chuckled, and slid his duster off. "I don' know if I can handle dis need you 'ave, Wolverine. First you wan' to get your 'ands on me... Den you wan' me to take my clothes off, non? You could at least buy me flowers, cher."
"Didn't take ya for the kind that like flowers."
"No weapons or powers people." Scott interjected.
"Den maybe you need to know me a lot better, non?" Remy continued. He rested a hand on his hip, and gave him a 'Come to bed and make me scream' look. "A reeeaaal lot better." Logan actually blushed.
"Quit it, children!" Scott's voice got even more stroppy. "You haven't got time for this kind of behaviour on the battlefield."
"So I can do it all o' de rest of de time den?"
"Stop it!" Scott's answered.
"'ow about at breakfast?"
"Stop it!"
"At lunchtime?"
"No!" His voice was getting more high pitched all the time.
"In meetin's?"
"Ohhhhh" Remy pouted, and put a dramatic hand up to his head.
"Can I do it at breakfast?" Wolverine piped up. "You know how you make me feel, Scott... Specially in the mornin'"
"NNNNNNOOOOOOOO!!!!" Logan was sure that Scott was about to burst a blood vessel, but God, did that feel good. Controlled breaths, and a count of ten was all that could be heard over the speakers. Logan and Remy smiled at each other, Remy's shoulders shaking slightly from a silent laugh; and waited for him to calm down. About ten minutes later... "Ok. Begin."
They circled each other. Logan watching Remy's body movement all the time. Suddenly Remy makes the first move and in one graceful stride he covers the distance between him and Logan, and before the other man can move he deftly places a sharp kick to his opponent's gut and a powerful right hook to his jaw. Logan staggers back but regains his equilibrium and catches the Cajun's wrist in one hand as it flies towards his face for another hit. Logan knew that Remy had few weak points, and his wrists were one of them.
The stronger man twists the arm of the captured wrist behind the back of the faster man and pushes him down to land on the floor, face down. An almost inaudible groan is heard from Remy as the wind is knocked out of him. Logan twists the other free arm behind the muscular back, trapping Remy efficiently but taking care not to seriously hurt him.
The young man shifts his head to the side so his cheek rests on the cold floor.
"Dis not good, Logan." he states simply.
The man straddling the back of his waist laughs slightly at the innocent comment.
"I'd say not, kid."
Logan, put to ease foolishly by the short conversation, is almost taken by surprise as the lithe body underneath him suddenly bucks up violently, trying to move the dead weight on his back. He checks himself quickly though and transfers both of the Cajun's small wrists into one of his fists and places the other at the top of Remy's spine, and a knee to the base, pushing down hard and effectively ceasing anymore struggles.
Slowly he counts out "1....., 2 ......., 3."
The acknowledgement of the successful pin-down is issued from Cyclops in a monotonous tone and Wolverine lets the Cajun up. He caught a fleeting look of panic and reached out a comforting hand, and Remy flinched away. He could see by Remy's face that he hadn't meant to. "Hey, you alright? I didn't hurt you, did I?"
"Non! I'm fine." Remy answered. Very unconvincingly by Logan standards. "It's just dat... er..." There was an edge of panic to his voice. "Well, merde, I lost quickly!" Remy, absentmindedly rubbed around his wrists.
"Maybe. But my jaw's still achin' from that hit ya gave it." answers Logan with a wry smile. He tried to ease Remy's obvious discomfort, by acting as though he hadn't noticed. It worked. "Come on, Gumbo. Ya can think of a way to make ya lousy performance up to me."
"Love to, mon ami!" Remy picked up his leather duster, tossed it over his shoulder and followed Logan out the room. They're both stopped in their tracks by an irate voice from behind them calling out.
"Where are you both going?"
"Ya said pin-down for three. That's what happened, bub." replies a bored Wolverine.
"That doesn't count, the session was too quick!" Scott protests.
Logan and Remy both shrug and continue to walk out of the danger room.
The walk to the kitchen was silent. Remy was obviously lost in his thoughts, eyes downcast as he walked through the memorized hallways. Logan was also thinking, he was pondering on how much Antarctica really had affected the kid. 'It doesn't make sense. Before that, there's no way I coulda beat Gumbo so easily.' He paused to open a door and let the Cajun walk in front of him. He noticed that Remy had lost weight too - now studying him closely as he lagged slightly behind. The kid was wearing a lot more baggy clothes now, too. Ok, granted Remy was probably underweight before Antarctica but now Logan looked, he could see that Remy's wrists were bone thin and his cheekbones were sunken a bit. It was pretty severe weight-loss but LeBeau masked it well.
Logan inwardly cursed all the X-Men again for letting this shit happen to Remy. Besides, of the accounts of the trial he'd been told; things Remy and Eric the Red had said rang suspicious to Logan's ears. He promised himself that he'd have a long talk with the Cajun soon. He wanted to know exactly what had happened at the Morlock Massacre; and he was seriously worried about Remy's health. Mentally and physically.
They arrived at the kitchen and Logan went straight to the refrigerator to get a beer for himself and Remy out. The Acadian chuckled as he caught the can flung his way.
"Never t' early t' start, non?" came the amused question.
"I always find I need a good pint after spendin' more than a minute with One-Eye."
Remy smiled again and hopped up stylishly onto the draining board. The friends drank their beers in silence but Logan knew Remy would be going as soon as the other X-Men started to awake. He reminded himself once more to have that talk with the Cajun that afternoon.


Go on to Part3

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