Title: Seal of Secrecy

Author: Spirit Melody (kat@lsak.fsnet.co.uk) & Firesong (firesong@ukonline.co.uk)

Website: none



Seal of Secrecy 2

By Spirit Melody & Firesong


Remy entered the apartment expecting to find Logan with his feet up and a cigar in his mouth, but the flat was lifeless. In a way he was pleased that Logan wasn't there, at least he wouldn't see the sorry state Remy was in now. Remy turned the shower on and pulled off his clothes. His trousers were blood stained but he wasn't surprised. Throwing the clothes in the bin, he climbed into the shower and lathered himself up. He hadn't realised how much his hands were shaking, and how his knees still felt like jelly. He crouched down in the shower. He watched the water clean away the blood and dirt. His hair lay down his back. Remy could already make out black bruises on his hips and shoulder in the shape of fingers. He turned the water to a hotter temperature so it was burning his skin, but it felt good. He hadn't felt this unsettled in a long time. Not quite ashamed of himself, for it had been for a good reason and if this was the man they were after then this incident had been a necessary evil. Getting out of the shower he towel dried himself and pulled on some fresh clothing from Wolverine's bag. The smell was comforting. Of course they were a little baggy in places and too short in others, but who cares.

Sitting cross legged on the bed he looked at the items he had brought back with him. The four hundred dollars. That was going straight in the bin. He didn't want anything to remind him of that man. The money felt dirty.

'At least I don' '

He picked up the wallet that he had lifted from the man during the time they had been kissing. Opening it up he looked at the driver's license. Jamie Richards.

'I always used t' like de name Jamie. No' anymore.'

The man had an address inside and a large amount of cash. Credit cards and receipts showed where he had been the last few days. He had withdrawn quite a lot of cash very recently.

'Prob'ly payin' for de whores dat he been killin' de last few weeks non? If he is our guy.'

The keys were quite heavy, it was surprising Jamie hadn't noticed being relieved of their weight. Remy put the stuff in a box that he kept under the bed and laid back. He could still feel the sensation of the water on his skin. He pulled the towel off his head and began to brush his long hair, carefully combing out the knots. He could get beaten up by anything, and not break, but hair pulling was a different matter. That really hurt. He heard footsteps in the corridor and Wolverine's cheerful whistling. He got up to open the door, and saw Logan smiling at him, his arms full of grocery bags. Logan took them into the kitchen and started unpacking.

"Where were you mon ami?"

"I got a lead on the guy we're after. I think I know some more places he hangs out rather than that club."

"Really?" Remy fetched the wallet and keys and dropped them on the counter in front of Logan, "Well if he be dis guy, I know where he lives. Beat dat!"

"How did ya get this stuff kid?" Logan opened the wallet and scanned the contents, "He didn't hurt ya did he?"

Remy raised an eyebrow and smiled charmingly. "Non. I saw him in de club we got a tip on over de road from my spot, and I paid 'im a visit."

Remy was a very convincing liar if needs be. Logan could always smell out a lie, but if you really believed you were telling the truth he'd be none the wiser. Logan continued to stare at him a moment longer before returning to the groceries.

"I'm surprised we met a possible lead so quickly."

"Well I guess we argued too loud eh?" Remy stood behind Logan and nibbled his ear, "I guess you an' I stand out in a crowd non?"

"Well, can't get a stranger couple then us kid." Logan turned to kiss Remy on the cheek, but saw the bite marks on his neck. "I thought ya said he didn't touch ya!"

"Non, you asked if 'e hurt me. Dis was jus' a little fun over a drink."

Logan growled. "Yer lying ta me Gambit. If yer gonna lie ta me, then get yer stuff and go back home; coz I ain't got time to check whether what ya tell me is the truth or not."

Remy turned to the bedroom and started to pack. "It's private mon ami. Not y're concern."

Logan grabbed Remy's arm to turn him to face him. "Of course it's my business Cajun. I thought you an' me were partners. If someone's hurt my darlin' then he deserves to get a little ass kicking."

"I t'ought we agreed dat you wouldn' ask any questions 'bout what I do out dere mon ami?" Remy's voice was pained, his eyes begging Logan not to make him tell him what had been going on.

"I know I promised ya kid, but what happened with this guy, looks like it hurt ya." He stroked Remy's face and neck where the bitemark had left bruises, "I wish I hadn't made ya come out here. It's my fault ya got hurt."

"Don' be stupid cher." Remy pulled Logan's hand close to his face, kissing his palm, and wrist. "You know dat if we jus' give up and go home, people still gonna die."

"I just don't want ya to be messed up because of this case darlin', and I don't want ya to stop wanting people ta touch ya." Logan looked away a second, "Ta stop wanting me touchin' ya."

Remy pulled Logan closer to him and kissed him hard; their lips touching and caressing the insides of each other's mouths. Remy sucked on Logan's lower lip, whilst the Canadian lowered Remy on the bed; their kisses becoming more frantic as Logan started to remove the Cajun's jumper.

"I would 'ave t'ought dat it would 'ave been de other way round cher. Dat you wouldn' want me because of what I 'ad to do out dere."

Logan smiled and kissed the Cajun's stomach making him squirm. "Ya shouldn't be worryin' yer pretty head about that bub. But just ta make things perfectly clear..." He paused to kiss and lick his partner's belly button, making him hiss in ecstacy, "Seein' as you French men have problems listenin', I guess I'll have ta show ya." He started to unbutton the Cajun's trousers and slide them off his narrow hips.

"Well, Gambit real thick cher, so you'll 'ave t' show Remy real well."

"Oh. I intend to." Logan moved his hot kisses up the Cajun's wiry body, kissing and sucking Remy's nipples, feeling his breaths become rapid and deep. Gambit's demon eyes closed as his forehead wrinkled in thought. Logan pinned the Cajun's legs between his stronger thighs and pinned Remy's wrists above his head with one hand. A strong perverted smile crept across his lips as he kissed Gambit's neck. Without warning he bit in the same spot as the man had earlier, and looking out of the corner of his eye he saw Remy's eyes flash open and a whimper escape his lips as his back arched up slightly into Logan's body. He tried to pull his arms down, but Logan's strength was more than he could handle.

"I'm gonna teach ya not to be such a bad boy though Gumbo, coz from what I heard yer too talented even fer a whore." He pulled off his belt with his free hand and started to tie the young man's wrists. Remy opened his mouth to say something, but was silenced with a short brutal kiss. "Don't say anything bub... I might choose ta gag ya."

He tied the other end to the metal bed head, and then moved back to kissing the Cajun's stomach; occasionally nibbling his sides.

'Ah he smells so good.' Logan could feel the animal passions burning up within him, but kept them under control. 'If I let 'em out, the Cajun ain't gonna enjoy this.'

He began to stroke and massage between the Cajun's legs. He watched the Cajun squirm and heard small sighs of pleasure escape the young man's lips. Logan's attentions returned to the man's erection. Taking it in his mouth he sucked hard, being careful not to use his teeth too much, and tearing a harsh cry from Remy's throat. He pinned the man's hips onto the bed so he could be in charge of how deep it would be taken, and the timings of the thrusts.

"Oh..cher. S'il vous plait give me more!" Remy moaned in ecstacy, trying to lift his hips.

"In my own time Cajun, this is supposed ta be a punishment, not a joy ride." Logan smiled and returned to his administrations. He increased the pace. Gambit tensed. He was almost on the brink. Logan stopped and returned to biting and nibbling the sore part on Remy's neck. The pleasure and pain were inseparable to the Cajun. Logan pulled his knee up between Remy's legs keeping them apart and allowing him to rub himself against the whole Cajun's body length, making Remy cry out in anticipation.

"I wanna hear ya beg me ta fuck ya kid. Until ya do, I'm gonna keep on doin' this to ya."

Remy smiled, mouth opening to say something, but again Logan jerked his knee against the Cajun's groin, turning any words he said into a groan of lust. Logan raked his nails down the Cajun's sides making him arch off the bed. Logan growled. The beast in him was getting harder to control as the Cajun packed with sexuality was completely at his mercy.

"Y' can be as hard as y' like mon ami" Remy whispered, "I don' break dat easily."

"Ya might not like it darlin'" He hoped the Cajun didn't care and would let him lose himself completely.

"Go f' it, cher. I'm in de mood for a little brutality, non?"

Logan chuckled. "Fine. Don't sat I didn't warn ya, Gumbo."

Logan pulled the rest of his clothes off and, licking his fingers, he entered two into Remy's back passage. It felt so tight and warm. The Cajun gasped and held in a whimper as he was still sore from earlier, but he wanted Logan so bad he didn't care. Logan pulled out his fingers and guided the head of his own erection against the now slightly loosened hole. His own pre-cum was perfect for lubrication. Not as much as they usually used, but the Cajun said he wanted it hard and brutal. He entered quickly, pulling Remy's legs over his shoulders. He bucked hard feeling the Cajun's body squirm to get used to the erection inside him. He put an arm round the Cajun's waist and lifted his lower half off the bed and pulled back whilst staying inside him. The Cajun's wrists were still tightly tied, which caused Remy's whole body to come off the bed. The animal in Logan pounded furiously into the Cajun. Remy cried out in pain and enjoyment. Harder and harder came the pounding inside of him, Logan's cock hitting the sweet spot inside him with more, and more force. He felt as though his hips would break under Wolverine's attacks. The only noises that escaped Logan's lips were howls of pleasure. Remy felt Logan's nails digging into the skin on his hips and thighs. It seemed to go on for hours, Remy finally screamed and sagged after his fifth orgasm, and still Logan hadn't come once. He cried out softly as Logan withdrew and watched him wipe his member clean on his discarded T-shirt before straddling the Cajun's chest. Using a handful of hair Logan moved the Cajun's mouth to his still throbbing erection. Remy sucked and deep throated the person on him, relaxing his throat and submerging the gag reflex from years of practice. Soon Logan went stiff and shot his load into the Cajun's mouth. He watched fascinated as the young man swallowed all the seed in his mouth and leisurely licked him clean. Logan turned him onto his side without untying him and wrapped an arm around his waist protectively.

"Ya okay, kid?"

A contented sleepy mumble was his only reply and he smiled, resting his head next to the Cajun's as they both drifted into exhaustion and sleep.


Logan heard someone outside the door before they even knocked. He picked up the gun he kept stashed in the bed side drawer, he wouldn't need it if there was trouble, his claws would do just fine, but he didn't want to give away the fact that he was a mutant. Opening the door casually he saw a well dressed man. He was the same height as Remy, but had the stockiness of Logan. He reeked of trouble. Standing behind him stood two larger men. They stared down at him with disdain. The lead man simply smiled at Logan and held his hands up to show they were empty.

"I'm sorry to have bothered you Mr..." He raised an eyebrow inquisitively.

"Logan" The Canadian growled back.

"Logan. Is that your first name or your last?"

"What's it matter? Just tell me what ya want, before I blow yer head off."

"There's no need to be so abrupt. Could I come in?"

"What for?" Logan fingered the trigger, causing the man to look a little nervous.

"I wish to discuss a little business with you."

Logan looked at the two men and opened the door a little further. "You can. They can't."

The man nodded and entered. "Let me introduce myself. My name is Nathan Serano, and I am in the same line of business as yourself, just a little more up market." He eyed the room with disdain. Logan followed him as the man walking around the room. He looked through the kitchen to the room opposite to see the Cajun sleeping on the bed, his hands still tied, "I see you've been enjoying your property."

Logan growled at him. "It's not your business."

"Of course, sorry, I meant no offence. I don't do it myself as you don't know what they can pick up." He noticed the used condom wrapper, "Good idea. Little feisty is he?"

"Get ta the *point* bub."

"I'm sorry. I wish to purchase your property." He sat on the bed next to the Cajun, and stroked wisps of hair away from the sleeping man's face. Logan screamed inside seeing this piece of scum touch Remy, but he had to keep up the pretence of being a pimp.

"What for? He's workin' well fer me, and bringing in the greens. I've no reason ta sell him yet."

"I have a number of exclusive clients who bring in more than a few greens, and word of your whore's exceptional talents have peaked their interest. I am offering a substantial amount, and by the looks of him he seems to be giving you trouble." He smiled cruelly, "Unless you're into this..." Pointing to the bindings.

"Ya need ta remind 'em who's boss sometimes."

"Indeed." He lifted the covers to look at his possible next purchase, and smiled. He was an amazing specimen and actually looked very good with bruising. He pulled the covers down to young whore's waist, tracing two fingers over his spine and watching with interest as the boy shifted in his sleep, "Name your price."

Logan snorted and offered the man a cigar from the counter. "Twenty grand. Take it or leave it bub."

The man raised an eyebrow. It was obvious this man knew how much this young man would fetch on the white slave market. This was no amateur.


"Yer not listenin' ta me. I said twenty."

"Very well. You drive a hard bargain." Nathan got to his feet and walked to the front door. One of the large men handed him two suitcases. Closing the door again he placed the two suitcases on the kitchen table, "Your money Mr Logan. May I take my new acquisition?" Logan opened the cases and leafed through the notes. He picked up an empty duffel bag from the cupboard and started emptying the money inside. "You may keep the briefcases. No charge." He laughed, quite amused.

"No thanks bub. This'll do just fine." Logan hated doing this. He felt cheap and dirty, but it was only Remy's words earlier that helped him keep his resolve, "Sure. He's all yours."

The man offered his hand out to Logan, before calling to his men. They kicked the door open in one, and entered the bedroom. They untied the bindings from the bed, but left Remy with the straps still on. Bundling him up in the covers they carried him out of the room. Remy didn't even stir.

"Pleasure doing business with you Mr Logan."

Logan snorted at him. "Charmed I'm sure." He watched the man leave and set about packing his stuff, everything was finally going as planned. As soon as they were gone, Logan called the Mansion to advise the professor as to what had happened before moving out to follow them. Hopefully the Cajun wouldn't be in this sticky situation for much longer.


Remy was woken abruptly by hot water being blasted over him, and strong hands scrubbing his body. He looked blearily at his assailant to see a man twice the size of Hank staring impassively at him. Remy tried to get out of the man's grip only to be grabbed by his neck and slammed against the wall. It didn't seem to bother him that he was also getting wet. He shuddered in the man's disinterested hold, worrying what events had happened between going to sleep in the bed at the apartment and waking up here. The man quickly finished and dragged the soggy Cajun out of the shower by hands which went round his thin shoulders, and pushed him down a corridor.

"Don' I at least get some clothes mon ami?"

He was answered with a hard slap round the head and a shove up the corridor. They entered a large ornate room. The entwined scents of jasmine and rose hit him as soon as the door opened. On the four poster bed in the middle of the room sat a tall man. His long silver hair cascaded over his shoulders and down his back. His velvet rod robe opened at the front to show a well developed chest and that one of his nipples had been pierced.

Another man suddenly seemed to appear out of nowhere and grabbed the Cajun and they forced him to his knees, his arms stretched either side of him. Both of the men's free hands had a handful of his hair, wrenching his face up. The man on the bed stepped forward, and finally Remy could see his face. His emerald green eyes flashed so brightly it was mesmerising. He studied the Cajun's form, occasionally touching a bruise to see him wince.

"You're as lovely as they say you are, and your skin is so...." He stroked the Cajun's chest and stomach, tracing the lines of muscle with astounding softness, when Remy bit his lip the man traced it with a finger, preventing the action. "You're worth what we paid and so much more." He kissed his captive's lips and when the young man made no attempt to return the gesture he smiled and stood back. "So you've been trained well so far." He lent forward again, their lips almost touching. "Show me your talents, pretty one." He was amazed how the young whore's kiss could make his heard flutter, and his loins ache with need. Pulling back he looked deep into the man's eyes. "Unusual. Are you a mutant?"

Remy wasn't sure how either a positive or a negative answer would affect the man's choice on anything. "Non. My last master wanted t' make me look more exotic. He paid to have my eyes changed." Remy convinced him. Sometimes it surprised him just how well he lied, regardless of the position he was put in. He didn't need time to think, the lie was out of his mouth before he even registered the question.

The man smiled. "I might do that with my others as well. It certainly attracts business; though I doubt any of them could quite pull the look off as you do."

The man kissed Remy's eyelids. Soft, sensual kisses that even made Remy's heart skip a beat. "Tell me Cajun..." He smiled serenely, "How many lovers have you had?"

"Dat's a bit forward of y' homme." The strong men gave Remy's arms a little pull, which was enough to make his gasp. They were fully capable of pulling his arms right out of their sockets.

The man brought his hand up to Remy's face, he stroked over a sharp cheekbone and then drew his hand through some of Remy's hair. Remy turned his head to the other side, trying to shake the offending hand off.

"Answer the question." His voice was still like velvet to Remy's ears.

"I only 'ad two lovers cher."

The man's smile increased to show his perfect white teeth. "You have been trained well." He went and sat back on the bed, "Not many people seem to distinguish between sexual partners and lovers." His voice dropped a tone, sounding more huskier, "I'd like to be your lover."

He motioned for men to pick the Cajun up, and tie him to the bed. Remy tried to struggle but the hands were too large and strong. He felt them harshly gripping his ankles and spreading his legs apart while the robed man sat on the end of the bed between his legs, calmly watching and absently stroking long fingers over Remy's legs. Before Remy could really register what had happened he was tied spread eagled on the mattress. Testing his bonds he found that they didn't give in the slightest. The two men left, and the tall silver haired man straddled his hips. The Cajun tried to look anywhere but in the pools of green emeralds which burned into his own unusual eyes. The man leant forward and began to kiss and nibble the French man's neck. Remy squirmed underneath him, only to feel the man's erection through the robe. It excited him to a certain point, but he didn't really wish to be tied up or in this position with anyone but Logan. He felt too vulnerable.

"I always have first claim on the property the boss brings in." The man pulled off the robe to show an amazingly tight and obviously supple body. His now fully erect member was what made the Cajun gasp. He was as long as Remy's forearm, from elbow to wrist, and thicker than his own wrist. The man laughed quietly at the Cajun's obvious surprise. He settled himself between the Remy's legs, the large head brushing against the Cajun's opening. Remy's breath got shallower and quicker and he tried to shuffle up on the bed, but the bonds around his ankles and wrists were too tight. He felt the man grab his hips and before Remy could attempt to prepare himself the man thrust into him with brutal force, again and again; settling into a fast and furious pace. Remy couldn't help but scream. White hot agony shot through his body with every thrust. The man was too big, but he continued to push his whole cock inside the Cajun's sweet tight ass. He enjoyed a good fuck, and the screams only succeeded in spurring him on. Remy's agony never really subsided, but was joined with another overwhelming feeling of enjoyment. He soon found himself moving to meet every thrust. The silver haired man began to massage the Cajun in time with his thrusts and was rewarded with a look of sheer ecstacy. He felt the whore's body tighten and his seed was released into the man's hand and over his stomach. Even though Remy had come, the man continued to pound into him, his own orgasm not far off. He reached behind him and cut the ropes binding Remy's ankles and withdrew to pin the Cajun's knees to his shoulders, causing his ass to be more accessible to him. Again he plunged deep and hard, his own breathing harsh now, but from rapture rather than fear, rendering an agonised scream from his captive. He pounded for what felt like hours to Remy before shooting his load into the poor Cajun's sore and bleeding ass. Before pulling out, he noticed that despite the pain, Remy still sported an erection. He took it in his mouth and sucked and nibbled, whilst fondling the young man's balls, until he too found release.


Go on to Part3

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