Link to:    177SD101/HTV Op.Chris

Hello, here are some words to inform you about Chris,
he was first time active in December 2000 with his personal callsign 177SD029.
Not so much Operators made QSO with him.
Until that time Chris was not a member of SUGAR DELTA
Joe 13SD012 has contacted him after his arivial in Germany to invite Chris into our Group.
The plan was to made first a activation in Sri Lanka for Sugar Delta as 177SD/0. Then was possible for us,
to have a new member in 177 Division.

The Team should be 13SD026 Andy, 13SD345 Danny and 177SD101 of course.
After some personal problems of Andy, I was alone, my option was to cancel of continue the planing for the activity.
We spoke since Dec2000 with the SD HQ for the 177SD/0 activation to make this as a secret!
In Feb 2001 we received a mail from 19SD082 Jos, the "Holland Team" made our activation 177SD/0
big shock
After lots of mails and talks with all involved guys, its was clear, 177SD/0 done by the "German Team"

more Infos about 177SD/0 just klick on the Activations page.

Some facts:

Chris returned to Germany after 4 weeks  "holiday" in Sri Lanka ( August 2001)
Just stay one month there & returned again to the " Tear of the Indean Ocean".
Until end of December Chris was active as 177SD101 with QSL Manager 13SD012 Joe.
Since 29.12.01 Chris is active as 177RC101. QSL Manager with me 13RC345.
January 2002 until 15 September 2002 as RC
I meet in March Chris again, now with my wife for holiday, planed only for holidays not for radio !
only for fun on radio. Possible as 177RC/AS003 ask this to Stephane 14RC001.
15September until October 177SD/DX


New doubble QSL card    back side   ( Version 2004 )

  Just klick here on   LOGS Klick for the QSL       ( Version 2002 )

 Picures from several locations in Sri Lanka

 direction to Africa
Golden Temple
 Barberyn Isl.
 Hambantota Beach
 Our HB9CV on top of a papaya tree crazy dircetion to Europe
Chris on  Kaputoduwa Isl.  

  Kaputoduwa Isl. Western Province

 Beruwela beach
 Pinawella Elephants
Reis fields

 Valley from central to south Sri Lanka klick here


 Paper Money 1 Rupie  klick here
 Paper Money 2 new Rupie  klick here
 Paper Money 2 old Rupie  klick here
 Paper Money 5 Rupie  klick here
 Paper Money 10 Rupie  klick here
 Paper Money 20 Rupie  klick here
 Paper Money 50 Rupie  klick here
 Paper Money 100 Rupie  klick here
 Paper Money 200 Rupie  klick here
 Paper Money 500 Rupie  klick here
 Paper Money 1000 Rupie  klick here
 5 Cent Coin klick here
 25 Cent Coins klick here
 5 Rupie Coin klick here

 the QSL Manager is 13 SD 345 Danny
 if you have any kind of Question write a Mail

Update: 02.02.2005