Original text by Pavane, English translation on Withered Narcissist. Thanks to the webmistress! ^_^
Translated into German and badly translated into English again by Sanguinaria ^^° (Complicated, I know. But I didn't want to use the same version as on Withered Narcissist, because this would be just copying.. ^^° But despite of translating again, it's of course almost the same...)

+ Name: Lala (also often seen as "Rara")
+ Breed: mixed American breed
+ Together since: 5 years
+ Sex: female
+ Place of meeting: adopted from pet shop
+ Food she likes: corn. thick corn soup
+ Status at home: Közi's master
+ Replies by saying: nya!
+ Strength: talks in her dreams
+ Most attractive characteristic: resembles a meatball

+ Name: Zaku
+ Breed: a MS Tora Hybrid, produced in large quantity (says Közi)*
+ Together since: 6 years
+ Sex: male
+ Place of meeting: considered as picked up **
+ Food he likes: laver
+ Things he hates: cameras
+ Replies by saying: owa.n! fua.n!
+ Strength: squinting
+ Most attractive characteristic: is able to escape fast

* It's well-known that Közi is a big fan of the anime-/manga-series "GUNDAM" and that Zaku is named after one of the characters. Unfortunately I don't know anything about "GUNDAM" and therefore I don't understand what he means, but it has definitly something to do with this.

** I think, she meant, he was picked up from the street. Poor Zaku... ;__;
