Number 2.1 :The most actual one (2004) after the travel

10) Having nice clothes to wear, so the bumplife is supposed to be finished but no !!i´m too fat for my favourite trouseres :-(  diet is coming
9) Be back home without any contagenuis deseases.
8) Leaving the big city OG after 2 weeks of stay( man, thats enough, i cant stand it here anymore! *g*
7)Having no money anymore but  going to travel again. Bätsch!!!
6)Still be able to walk because i didnt operate my knee.
5) Getting a call from singapore :-)
4)Spending hours on my photobook without finishing it.Curious now?

The top 3 :

3)Having deleted the really firts list so that u cant compare it!!!
2)Having the best layout since ever now! :-( cry,...   i know it hurts, but i suffered aswell in doing it!!!!

And the unbeatable number one :

1)My  best friends didnt forget me, so i had a few  presents from them to welcome me. thanks, thanks, thanks, ok now its enough. :-)


Old List