Late MARCH 2001.

   ## Also not in the readme and modread pages ##

Another two useful simple options have been included.

Two new "opts" hidden tag switches have been added. They 
are /J/ and /j/.

forces the "Total" output of any input marked with the
"_t" option marker to round down to two decimal places.

likewise but for the output of the actual "_t" input 

By adding as opts switches users of the previous 
uncontrolled whole numbers for surveys etc can still use
their forms.

Completely overlooked in previous versions is a new 
"rejects" list for email addresses and IP#s.

Two new sample files have been added to the "ennymore"
sub dir of the cgi-bin.

They are "rejects.txt" and "rejects.htm". Should you be
repeatedly sent emails from an idiot you can add their
IP# to the rejects text file in list format. 

Email addresses also if perhaps someone complains their 
address has been improperly subscribed etc.

The second file is an easily edited .htm file which you
can design however you want. The idea is simply that 
such persons will still view a simple success page and 
probably be none the wiser; and stiff if they are! If 
they continue then you have grounds to demand their ISP 
ban their account (ISPs keep all records - thats how
virus creaters / others are traced by the authorities!)

The sample rejects.htm page contains a special marker
which the program will use to imbed the hidden "return"
tag URL. Use it or not it doesn't matter.


