Free Resources for the Deaf or Hearing Impaired (or their carers)

Δ Ever wanted to use your computer for TTY or TTD (Telephone Typewriter)?

Δ Ever wanted to learn sign language?

Δ Ever wanted to write using a sign language 'True-Type" font?

Δ Ever wanted some quotations on hearing impairment to impress your friends?

L&R Hartley, Merchandising (Australia) are managing the worldwide distribution of a FREE computer CDROM containing a selection of resources including an ASCII TTY/TDD (Telephone Typewriter) programme, Sign language tutorial and Flashcards, a 'True-Type" (US) sign-language font and lots of other goodies for the hearing impaired or their carers (the contents are updated and revised occasionally).

There is no need to prove your hearing status.

Note: This computer package is FREE, however a donation of $7.50 (Australian) is required for postage and packaging (anywhere worldwide).

Click HERE to secure your copy now!

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Sponsors: Hartley's Online Resource Centre | GratisGift Freebies Online | Salubrity™ Seminars

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