The Board Brats @ ADWOFF
Worshipping Grounds
MCNABB @ yahoo groups
Groups dedicated to the worshipping of the Queen
The Wonderful ladies of MCNABB.... Janice O-so-beautiful, Step-Mommy Darla, Wonderful Wendy, MJSUVCACHBS Laurie (did I get it?), Kimmy, Carla, and, of course, Nora, the QUEEN!!!  (At TTPIV)
More from MCNABB!!
Back:  Katie, Kim, Wendy, Darla, Janice, Becky

Front:  Karen L, Pammy, Laurie, and Carla! 

This was also taken at TTPIV
If you have a group dedicated to Nora or her pseudonym JD Robb that you would like to have listed here please e-mail me and I will put up a link for you!