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You're probably asking yourself
how someone says they love you
could hurt you the way I did.

Well, the answer's easy...
I'm an idiot.
I HAVE to be
to risk losing someone
as precious to me as you are.

I could make excuse's
all day long
but that wouldn't change anything.

I prefer to prove to you
that I can and WILL be
someone worthy of your love

Please don't let my thoughtlessness
ruin everything we've built
between us...

Please believe me
when I tell you
that I love you
and I'm sorry
and I'll really,
truly do my best to see
that nothing like this
ever happens again.

Page Created
May 12th 2001
Please Do-Not remove, alter, anything
on any of my
pages, without written permission
All my poetry
is copyrighted
the minute
I publish it!