Friends Make the world more beautiful

They share their point of view
And help us see things in a way
that's wonderful and new.

Friends make the world more beautiful
in countless different ways
Making good times better --
and enriching all our days

It may seem we take things for granted
as the busy days go past

The good and faithful friendships
that we're counting on to last

But there's a special language
understood by you and me

In which our words of gratitude
are spoken silently

And though your heart already knows

Sometimes I like to say

You've made my world more beautiful ~

I'm glad you came my way!

This page is dedicated
to my friends
For taking their time and
going out of their way
when my patience run short

I Thank You ALL
from the bottom of this
Precious Heart

I will mention as well
aka Resse-Cup
God Rest Her Soul

Has taught me so many things
that I now can
pass along
to many of you!

Without your help
I would not have the site(s)
I have created
God Bless
each and everyone of you!

I feel like I am at the Grammy Awards :)

Please Do-Not remove, alter anything on any of my pages

Page Created
April 24th 2001