
--  - H/W Development Group

-- ************************************************************************


--  Title:     256*8 Contant Access Memory (CAM)


--  Created:   Mon Aug 28 12:14:47 2000

--  Author:                DEEPAK GEORGE

--  Source File Name:   cam256.vhd


--  $Id: cam256.vhd,v 1.1 2000/08/28 12:14:47 acts Exp $


--  Description:   This is the code for a Content Access Type of memory,

--   it has got a 256*8 bit TAG table and a 256*8 Data table. CAM 

--   will match the contents of the TAG with the datain and if a match is

--   found HIT is made high and the appropriate data is outputed on the

--   dataout port.


--  Revision History:  


--  $Log: cam256.vhd,v $


-- ************************************************************************


library IEEE, STD;

use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;

use IEEE.std_logic_components.all;

use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all;

use IEEE.std_logic_misc.all;

use IEEE.std_logic_unsigned.all;


entity cam256 is

  port     (clk              : in   std_logic;                   --   Clock

            rst              : in   std_logic;                   --   Reset

            rd_b             : in   std_logic;                   --   Read

            wr_b             : in   std_logic;                   --   Write

            datain           : in   std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);-- data in

                                                                 -- during write.

            tagin            : in   std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);-- Tag Data

            data_out         : out  std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);-- Data out

            full             : out  std_logic;                   -- Stack Full  

            hit              : out  std_logic                    -- Found Match  


end cam256;



architecture cam256_A of cam256 is

type ram_array is aray (0 to 255 ) of std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);

signal tag              : ram_array;

signal data             : ram_array;

signal count            : integer range 0 to 255;



main : process(clk,rst)



  if (rst = '1') then



    count<= 0;

    full <= '0';


 --  Stack Write Operation


  elsif ( clk'evevt and clk='1') then

    if (wr_b = '0' and rd_b = '1') then

      if ( count = 255 ) then

        full <= '1';


        tag (conv_integer (count))<= tin;

        data(conv_integer (count))<= datain;

        count <= count +1;

      end if;


--  Stack CAM Read  Operation


    elsif (wr_b = '1' and rd_b = '0') then

      for addr 0 to 255 loop             --   Check for data

        if ( tagin = tag(conv_integer (addr)) then

          Hit <= '1';                    --   Found Match

          data_out <= data ( conv_integer (addr));


          hit <= '0';                    --   No match found

        end if;

      end loop;

    end if 

  end if;

end process; 


end cam256_A;