Funeral for Samer Hussein, a Druze, in Hurfesh, occupied Palestine.  He was a member of the ZOF (Zionist Occupation Force), and was killed in a mission by the Palestinian Mujahideen at the Erez crossing in the Gaza Strip.

The Druze are a deviant "muslim" sect, whose followers live mainly in Lebanon, South Syria, and Nortern Occupied Palestine.  They are an offshoot of the Ismaili sect.  The name derives from one of the original creators of the sect Nashtakeen Ad-Durzi.  The sect was created in roughly 407 A.H. in Egypt.  It revolves around the central disgusting belief that one of the Fatimid Caliphs, known as Al-Hakim, was in fact god in human form. May Allah(Swt) forgive me for mentioning such filthy ideas.  It is a very secretive sect, and inshallah we hope to expose some of their beliefs here, so that people may be warned.  Indeed even Druze themselves are not told the reality of their beliefs until they become 40 years in age.

Service in the Zionist Occupation Force

The Druze are well known for serving in the Zionist Occupation Force.  They do this with great loyalty to their Zionist masters.  The picture shows a funeral for one of their so called "heroes", that was killed in Palestine.  They take great pleasure in the suffering of muslims in Palestine.
Important people in the history of the Druze

Hamzah Ibn Ali Az-Zuzny

The man who originally invented the warped ideas and beliefs of the Druze, and setup up the sect.  He was looked upon as having a rank similar to the of the Prophet Muhammed(Saw), astagfirullah, by his deluded followers. He was born in 375 A.H and died in 430 A.H.

Muhammed Ibn Ismail Ad-Durzi (a.k.a Nashtakeen)

Helped Hamzah dream up the wierd ideas of the sect.  However, he prematurely announced that they though Al-Hakim was a god in 407 A.H. This caused a rift with Hamzah, who used the opportunity to turn people against Ad-Durzi, who ran away to Sham.  It was here that Ad-Durzi began to propogate his twisted ideas and fooled people into becoming members of his sect.  It is from him that the name of the sect, Druze is derived.

"Caliph" Abu Ali Al-Mansoor Ibn Al-Azeez Billah Al-Faatimi (a.k.a Al-Hakim Bi Amrillah)

A "caliph" of the Fatimid dynasty, who were the Shia rulers of Egypt.  The man who Druze consider to be god in human form, astagfirullah.  A mass murdering psychopath who was responsible for genocide during his rule.  He was known to be a strange person, who behaved in an abnormal way, he was also extremely cruel.  There is no evidence, that he was actually mentally insane.  He was also born in 375 A.H and was assasinated in 411 A.H.

Hussein Ibn Haydararah Al-Farghaani (a.k.a Al Akhram or Al-Agd)

Did a great deal of work in fooling people into believing the lies of Hamzah, which made up the sects beliefs.

Abu Ibraheem Ibn Hamid Al Tameemi

Hamzah's son-in-law.  He also did much work in the field of spreading the message.  He is held as the next in rank after Hamzah.

Bahaa Ed-Deen Abu Al-Hassan Ali Ibn Ahmad Al Sumooqi (a.k.a Al Dayf)

Another propogator of the Druze sect.  He was at his most prominent when Hamzah was absent in the year 411 A.H.  He also wrote several of the books which exist about the sect, such as Risalatut-Ta'neef Wat-tahjeen.  He also decidedd to forbid personal reasoning on dogmatic matters, in order to ensure the core beliefs of the sect would not be challenged, as even a little independent thought would reveal what nonsense they were.
The Religious Symbol of the Druze

The symbol of the Druze is the multi coloured star shown to the right, and offers an insite into their strange world.  Each colour represents one of the so called five "superior ministers", with the quality each was allegedly meant to have.

1) Green (Al-Akl) - This is supposed to represent the "mind"

2) Red (An-Nafs) - The soul

3) Yellow (Al-Kalima) - The word

4) Blue (As-Sabik) - Represents the potential of the mental will power to "become"

5) White (Al-Tali) - Represents the realisation of this potential, the actual "becoming of the                                   "blue power"
The Druze Star

The beliefs of the Druze are very strange and it may seem to the reader who has no knowledge of these people that no one in their right mind could believe such things, however, these people do.  Some of their deviant beliefs are in the open, and they will propogate them.  However, most of their beliefs are kept secret.

