Did you know, in 1951, a postage stamp was only 3 cents?
Look at prices from 1951
This web site is maintained  by Denny's Favorite niece
Wanna know how many Oscars Walt Disney got in 1951?
Then let me recap the Academy Awards in 1951
Crystal Gayle was born in 1951, too! 
Shall we see who else is turning 50 besides Denny.
This is my Aunt Mary, My Dad and My Uncle Denny.  If you haven't figured it out yet, Denny is turning 50!  On October, 3rd to be exact!  I hope he doesn't get too mad about the newspaper ad announcing his birthday!
An overview of The United States in 1951
President: Harry S Truman
Vice President: Alben W. Barkley
Population: 154,877,889
Life expectancy: 68.4 years
Homicide Rate (per 100,000): 4.9
Federal spending:   $45.51 billion
Federal debt:   $255.3 billion
Unemployment:   5.3%
You Know you're old when...
The Yankees won the world series in 1951
check out more sports news
O.K. Denny life is not over... Here is a couple of things I found for you now that your
"The Over The Hill Gang"
This is a group of  enthusiastic, fun-loving people who enjoy sharing the experience of skiing and other outdoor activities with other physically active seniors.  Membership is available to individuals and to couples as long as one spouse is at least 50.
Six thousand members (and counting!)
Fourteen acres with five separate pastures and
five barns

Vet services available 24 hours per day

Daily grooming.  Fly masks and fly spray used in the
Summer, with "hose downs" on hot days.

A fan in every stall

Indoor shavings storage assures fresh bedding
How To Tell If You're Over The Hill...
I have links for all these clubs if you're interested in any of them, Denny!

Over The Hill Soccer League
Over The Hill Hockey League
Over The Hill RailRoad Group
Over The Hill Square Dancing Club
Over The Hill Gang Motocross Racing Club
Particapate in The 20th Annual Over the Hill 5K
You have officially entered the
phase of your life
You know Denny, If you were a horse we would send you to the "Over The Hill Farm" where you would get:
And here is the newspapaer ad!