Pics, pics, and MORE pics!

Please note that I had about three hours of sleep before I took these, so some look pretty crappy.


This is my friend Jeni. I obviously caught her when she barely woke up. She'll probably want me to take this pic off... Well too bad, it's staying up. Heheh. ^_^


The voice actor/actresses from Oh My Goddess! From left to right: Scott Simpson (Keiichi), Juliet Cesario (Belldandy), Pamela Weidner (Skuld), and Lanelle Markgraf (Urd). I just wish I took a better picture of all of them. Oh, and my friend Jeena got to have lunch at Denny's with Scott and Pamela... GRRRRR...


VASH-SAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *_*

When I first saw her, I yelled out "VAAAAAASH!!!", ran across the room in 2.5 seconds, and glomped onto her! All my friends heard me from different parts of the convention. ^_^ She was also at the top of a flight of stairs, and I almost killed both of us when I glomped her. Poor girl... She was really cool about it though and let me take a billion pictures of her. ^_^ Yay!!!


Me and Vash! LOVE AND PEACE!!! ^_^


It's Jeni again, in her kick-ass Princess Mononoke costume. It was good. REALLY good. She didn't think it was, but I did.


Me and Jeni, aka San and Lina Inverse! I did have the earrings, headband, gloves, and wrist-thingies, but they started to bug me so I took them off. I used christmas ornaments for them! They looked really cool! ^_^ *Ahem* anyway...


It's da Priestess of Suzaku! And unfortunately it's a crappy picture. ~_~


Yes, that's a GUY... At first I was like "Oooo, Chocolate! I wanna pic!" As I was coming up from behind, I realized she wasn't wearing anything on top BUT the suspenders... O_o THEN I realized she was a he... ~_~;;; Anyway, makes for an interesting pic, ne?


It's Miaka! I dunno 'bout the rest of you, but I happen to like Miaka. ^_^ (at least the Miaka in the subtitled version... her english voice made me cringe a couple of times...)


I normally don't like Sailor Moon that much, but I loved her costume. Besides, I kinda like Galaxia...


WASHUUUUUU!!!!! With her kawaii little puppet thingy! It's head actually moves too! *_* I want one too...


Zangulus!!! Unfortunately Gourry wasn't there... ~_~ But there was another Lina (whom I didn't get a picture of... *sniff*), a female Zel, a female Xellos, and a female Valgarv... O_o That would have been an interesting cosplay...


WOLFWOOD!!!!! ^_^ WAAAAAIIIII!!!!!!! This guy also lives only an hour from me in Albuquerque! O_O Whoa...


It's Vash again!!! ^_^ *resisting urge to glomp*


Vash and Wolfwood! With TWO crosses... Hmmmmm...


...Um, don't ask... ^_^;;;


She won Judges' Choice! And she didn't think she had a chance of winning either. See Jeni? I TOLD you your costume kicked ass!


Finally, that's me standing with Jeena. LOVE AND PEACE!!! (That's the same Jeena who did that sweet Vash/Meryl drawing on the fanart page. ^_^)


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