"development either becomes shared in common by every part of the world or it undergoes a process of regression even in zones marked by constant progress".John Paul II-Enc. Sollicitudo rei socialis 1988



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DEVELOPING COUNTRIES                                 

2800 million people live on less than 2$ a day; 1200 million on less than 1$ a day

11 million children under 5 years old die every year from preventable causes

34 million people live with HIVS

2400 million people have no access to sanitation

968 million people have no access to improved water

163 million children under 5 years old are underweight

854 million adult people are illiterate; 543 are women

325 million children are out of school; 183 million are girls











OECD COUNTRIES                                       

130 million people live under the poverty line (under 30% of the median)

15% of the adults are functionally illiterate

8 million undernourished people

1,5 million people live with HIVS


Growth rates in developing countries are high, but it is not enough to reach industrial countries. World GDP per capita is 7804 PPP$ but there is a big gap between the richest and the poorest. The country with the highest income per capita (Luxembourg) has a GDP per capita of  61.190 PPP$ while the poorest one (Sierra Leone) has a GDP of only 520 PPP$ per person. Apart OECD countries, only a few get a GDPpc over the world average. The situation in Africa is even worse: 1.790 PPP$ per capita.

United Nations (data for 2002)

 United Nations

World population has experienced a great growth, but this growth has been much more important in countries with a low human development index, where population in 2002 was more than twice the population in 1975. Meanwhile, population growth in high HDI countries (24%) has been under the world average. (53%)

   HIGH HDI:      1201 million people
   MEDIUM HDI:  4165 million people
   LOW HDI:     756 million people