     A Christian will occasionally ask why  atheists and agnostics have morals. They seem to think that without God, we should have no compulsions against killing, stealing, raping, and generally running amok. I can't speak for everyone when I respond to this, only myself, so here goes.
     As an agnostic, I feel that life is precious.  I don't believe there is an afterlife. The life we presently have is all of our existance. The thought of murdering or inflicting harm on another seems incredibly cruel to me. While some might believe in a heaven, I don't. To take the life of someone is, to me, to deprive them of existance permanently. How much more wrong can you get than that?
     Simularly, rape, torture,theft, and other crimes are aborrant to me due to the fact that the pain and suffering one feels in life can hardly be made up for in heaven if heaven doesn't exist.