Faith and Trust
    I have been accused of having faith in science, I don't. I trust science. Please, allow me to clarify this.  I trust that when I turn the key on my car, it will start. I have no faith that my car will drive and park itself.  I trust that when I call 911, help will arrive if needed. I have no faith that if I call out mentally, help will arrive.  I trust that when I stand, gravity will keep me on the floor. I have no faith that I will float around the room.  I trust that if I pet my cat, she will purr. I have no faith that my dog will ever purr.
     These trusts can be violated. The battery might be dead on my car,the phone line might be severed, I might fall down (but in this case, gravity still works).  And my cat might be in a bad mood.  In the same light, science can occasionally be wrong, and the errors of science tend to be corrected.  I have no faith, and for this I am grateful.