The heart of a slave...
© July 2000 by LadyWolfe

In the heart of a slave is a song, a dance, the purest music you’ll ever hear. Her heart beats so fiercely with love and joy, it often overwhelms the slave. The song is pleasure and is pain... the dance rivals the envious immortal beauty of the fey... the music sweeter than the chorus of wolves on a moonlit night in the arctic.

The heart of a slave holds more than her love, it holds her true self, her slave fire. That fire burns brighter than the sun when kindled, but dampens to mere coals when left alone for too long. Look into the living flame, and you will see but an inkling of what blazes in a slave's heart.

The heart of a slave holds her soul, locked and collared more tightly to her Master than any slave steel can hold her body. Her heart no longer belongs to herself, but to He who has claimed her in love. Look into the eyes of a mother holding her child for the first time, therein you will see the soul of a slave.

The heart of a slave holds her joy, more sweet than ambrosia. It soars on the wings given to her by her Master, but like Icarus, she needs a gentle guiding hand to make sure she doesn’t fall back to the earth, broken.

The heart of a slave holds complete rapture and devotion, like an ancient priestess worshipping her goddess in a stone circle. Every breath she draws, she knows comes from Him. Her very life depends on her Master, not because He can take it away from her, but because she has chosen to give it to Him.

The heart of a slave holds her submission, her need to give herself to another completely. To feel another’s strength hold her up, to give strength when needed. Her desire to please in all ways, and never to be found wanting.

The heart of a slave holds everything that drives her, makes her what she is... and what she isn’t. It holds the difference between a mere paga slut, and the exquisite pagar kajira who shines more brilliant than any diamond, even when rough.

The heart of this slave holds all this and more. The song it sings, few have listened to... the dance, few have observed... the music, few hear playing.

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