Monthly Digest
Published in the interest of

DeSoto Lodge No. 299

F. & A.M.
  272 Court Avenue
Memphis, Tennessee 38103
Phone (901) 529-4025

Volume 146January 2008            Issue 1

Worshipful Master  Secretary
Michael Ray Harber  Elbert E. Martz, PM
901-221-9095 (hm)  901-837-4579 (hm)
    901-849-0218 (cell)


          Our holidays have passed and many of us are glad to see them behind us.   I hope everything is well with your household.   This New Year I hope to be more prosperous than last year for us all.
          This year at DeSoto many things are scheduled starting with the Stated Meeting where we will set dates for 3 EA degrees.   Our Lodge also will host the Masonic Relief Board Meeting on January 23 at 6:00 p.m. with all officers and members are expected and encouraged to attend.   We will be host for all lodges in district 1 for a meeting about Masonic Relief.
          On February 9, 2008 we will have our Valentines Banquet.   This is a time we honor our Valentines.   BINGO Cards will be given after the meal.   Many prizes will be given to those who call "B I N G O".
          Would you like to receive email notification of events about our Lodge?   If you answered "YES" then send an email to to confirm your address.

                                                                                Mickey Harber, WM


Craftsman Club News

We had a good year in the Craftsman Club and we have a great beginning on a new year.   We need your participation to make it a good year.   Come and join us on Tuesday night and learn a small part in one of the degrees.   The more you put into it the more you will get out of it.

I would like to see DeSoto Lodge get back to being able to confer a degree without having to depend on visitors to assist.   We appreciate our visitors and if they want to work in the degree they are more than welcome.

We have many degrees scheduled already and more petitions coming in.   Be proud of your lodge and come join in.


January Birthdays

Happy Birthday to the following members:   Jack Edward Downs 01/01, Burton Tony Hatch 01/03, Floyd Edward Spence 01/03, Warren Earl McKenna 01/05, Hancle Perry Ray 01/07, William Clayton Hammers 01/10, Charles Wesley Voyles 01/10, Ronald Gant Moshier, P.M. 01/11; William Lon Singletary 01/11, Wallace Layne Adams 01/12, James Denville Howell 01/13, George Dudley Gravette 01/15, John Francis Mcalla, Jr. 01/16; Romey Edwards Evans 01/17, Thurman Key Tanner 01/20, Braxton Corbet Craft 01/24, Gerald Raymond Logan 01/24, John Erwan Leflar 01/27, Jon Christopher Sttoddard 01/27, Harold Ray Horner 01/31, and Victor Edward Rothe 01/31.

If it's your birthday and it is not listed here we would like to wish you a Happy Birthday also, and urge you to send us your information card completed with your current information for our new database.


Sick and Visitation

Brother Gregory Sparks fell and broke his ankle.   He had surgery and is recovering at home.

Although there was no one else reported we are sure we have members that are sick and need to be remembered in our prayers.   If you know of any please contact the lodge or secretary.


Winners of Stated Meeting Drawings

Brother William Land Jr. name was drawn for the $50.00 cash prize.   Brother Land was not present to receive the $50.00.   The money will be place in the Pappy Warner Memorial Fund.   Ms. Sparks and Brother Greg Morrison won the consolation prizes.



From the Secretary's Desk

We are off to a great year. We will have three Entered Apprentice Degrees on January 10, 2007.   Come help welcome these new members just as you were welcomed when you received your first degree.

We should have two Fellow Craft Degrees on January 17th.   Remember we eat before each degree at 6:00 P.M.

A Big "Thank You" to the brothers who have paid their dues for 2008.   We still have a few brothers who have not paid their dues.   Please check to see if you have a dues card for 2008.   If you don't mail the $60.00 to me and will send you a dues card.

Make your reservations for the Valentine's Dinner on February 9, 2008 at 7:00 P.M.   Bring your Valentine and enjoy the entertainment and play Bingo.   We always have a good time at this event.

We will have security at all our events this year.


Special Note - In Memory

Brother Cecil Warner Nappier, P.M. entered the Celestial Lodge Above on December 15, 2007.   Brother Nappier received his Entered Apprentice Degree August 8, 1974; Fellow Craft Degree on March 25, 1977, and his Master Mason Degree on April 30, 1977.   He served the Lodge as Worshipful Master in the year of 1981.

He was, also, a member of the Scottish Rite and a K.C.C.H.

He was very good at conferring degrees and will be missed by many.


Calendar of Events

Craftsman Club will meet every Tuesday night at 7 PM for study and Ritual work.

ThursdayJanuary 3, 20087:00 PM Stated Meeting/Dinner 6:00 PM
TuesdayJanuary 8, 20087:00 PM Craftsman Club
ThursdayJanuary 10, 20087:00 PM E.A. Degree/Eat at 6:00 PM
TuesdayJanuary 15, 20087:00 PM Craftsman Club
ThursdayJanuary 17, 20087:00 PM F.C. Degree/Eat at 6:00 PM
TuesdayJanuary 22, 20087:00 PM Craftsman Club
ThursdayJanuary 23, 20087:00 PM Masonic Relief Board/Eat at 6:00 PM
TuesdayJanuary 29, 20087:00 PM Craftsman Club
TuesdayFebruary 5, 20087:00 PM Craftsman Club
ThursdayFebruary 7, 20087:00 PM Stated Meeting/Dinner 6:00 PM
TuesdayFebruary 12, 20087:00 PM Craftsman Club
ThursdayFebruary 14, 2008Dark Valentine's Day
TuesdayFebruary 19, 20087:00 PM Craftsman Club
ThursdayFebruary 21, 20087:00 PM F.C. Degree/Eat at 6:00 PM
TuesdayFebruary 26, 20087:00 PM Craftsman Club
ThursdayFebruary 28, 20087:00 PM M.M. Degree/Eat at 6:00 PM



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